Page 44 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.1
P. 44

Confessions of a CamGirl

Prejudice, Pride
and Dignity.

Who am I? A question that I asked                   do it! There arent the perfect ones, the right     would be too human, we would never judge
        myself so often and at the same time,       ones, there is no such thing. There is just you    each other and we would never ever care
a question that remained without answer. I          against the world and its up to you to build the   about others lives. But there is no hope there..
have never been able to answer this question..      life you want to live.                             One of my favorite writers said once: “Losing
not because i am dumb or dull, but because                                                             all hope was freedom”. So i did it. I lost hope
I have always questioned it wrong. I have               I have learned that the bitter taste in my     that people will ever come to understand me.
always asked Who am I, but i addressed it to        mouth will always create ambitions and             And for the first time in my life i felt free…
the wrong place, to the wrong crowd, to the         success, much more than comfort zones. I
wrong person. I addressed it to the world..         have learned that nobody can take your place,          It was up to me, up to me to lead the life i
instead of addressing it to the person who          nobody can walk in your shoes because they         wanted to live. It was up to me to be happy and
matters the most..ME.                               are your size, not anyone else.                    to figure out how i will make my life successful
                                                                                                       and worry free.
      I forgot that because i forgot what self          I decided to set myself free, free from my
love means, I forgot it because i have given        PRIDE, which was many times..          I wonder now, who of you readers are
my kind soul to the wrong people, my broken         so many damn times. So many nights have            judging me? Who will throw the first stone from
and sewed heart which has been used so              I fallen asleep crying, not knowing what or        their glass houses? “She`s just a cam girl”,...
many times by amateurs of love and feelings. I      where to go, what to see, I was always    and you know what? Yes, I am just a cam girl,
thought the people I met along the road were        an unusual girl..not because it was cool, but      but i am happy. I am who i chose to become,
my only took some time to realise        because i was always dual, divided between         nobody decides for me, nobody tells me what
that I was the only one who gave warmth             two different personalities. One was weak,         to do, where to go, nobody crushes my ego, I
from inside me to people. And don`t get me          always thinking about everyone`s opinion, and      am worthy, worthy of my life and my dignity is
wrong, i don`t regret it. I have been there, I      the other one, who knew that it takes killing      untouched. Cause let me ask you...who are you
have been all crawled up in the cold dark           everything you ever knew and had, to know          to decide what is normal and abnormal? Who
needing warmth from someone..i know what            what real freedom is. To know who you really       are you to decide who deserves to be happy
it feels like to have winter inside you, to need    are. To be in self correlation with your wild      or not? Who made you the moral police? Ask
desperately to crawl out of the darkness, but i     soul. Because sometimes, just sometimes,           yourselves..who are you? Are you happy with
came to realise that this is an inside job...I `ve  life shows you that you can`t make the “right”     yourselves? With your lives? But be honest to
been out in the open road, screaming, crying,       decisions, the “good” things that society          yourself..dont be honest to me or the society..
trying to define myself. Then i realised i had      expects you to do, maybe because you lost the      just to i am..i am free, i am happy
to take everything i knew, every PREJUDICE          start from the beginning, or maybe because         and i am PROUD of who I am. I am myself and
I had and kill it. I realised that in order to be   you didn`t make the necessary effort where         i will always be myself for as long as i shall live.
free, i had to kill some parts of what I was        you were supposed to, or maybe you weren`t         I shall never be a property of the society. My
taught to become. You see, we are born in this      aware of it. Life shows you that you have to be    lips will not be sealed because my inner voice
world, and we are taught what to say, what to       an unorthodox son of a bitch, which will bring     is much louder than prejudice and envy. This is
do, how to act and more important what to           shame upon your family.                            how my story begins..”i can`t beat death...but
think. I was never happy and i struggled with                                                          i can beat death in life sometimes.”
depression for as long as i have known myself.          You see, i was tired of feeling like i wasn`t
But it was because i was fighting with myself.      normal, like i wasn`t part of this world, just         Miss K.
The person who I am was never the same              because i was different. Just because my soul
with the person who I was taught to become.         wanted something else.
I learned that nobody, but nobody gets to
decide for you. Nobody is entitled to choose            It took me some time to understand that
instead of you, you are the ONE who has to          evil is fundamental in people, without it we

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