Page 41 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.1
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HTML Implementing AMP
HTML is rendered in ways to optimize Some web hosting services, like
speed and simplicity, by integrating custom WordPress, come with accelerated mobile
AMP commands. The coding involved in pages built into either the actual platform’s
accelerated mobile pages is similar to that of interface, plug-ins or hand-coding practices.
conventional web pages, though the two differ AMP frequently excludes aspects of a website
quite a bit as well. in order to optimize mobile performance and
load speeds, however, by tweaking the code
JavaScript involved in running your mobile site, you can
add or delete virtually anything you want. The
Through JavaScript specifically designed results are generally the same.
for mobile sites, AMP loads external resources
in controlled segments in order to prevent a Downsides
site from being overloaded and, thus, slowing
down when loading content. Any issues One of the only potential issues web
related to the JavaScript of an accelerated designers might run into when implementing
mobile page can be easily fixed with a little bit accelerated mobile pages is tracking. Default
of hand-coding. tracking methods within Google Analytics,
in relation to accelerated mobile pages, is a
CDN bit broken, but a simple patch will alleviate
this headache. When a site uses accelerated
AMP pages are stored directly in browsers mobile pages, those pages are stored in
to hasten their loading for faster delivery Google’s cache. The problem springs up
times. While this might cause some issues when users click on a link to other site
regarding backlinks and including external pages, contained in the content included in
sources, ultimately, proper CDN practices an accelerated mobile page. This requires
serve to increase the overall speed of an users to leave the cached page. From a
accelerated mobile page. search engine’s perspective, this registers
as two different and separate websites. This
AMP was built to deliver near-instant causes two sets of analytics to be recorded. A
results for internet users. Therefore, sites that process known as “session stitching” is used
are being viewed on mobile devices at a faster to fix this problem. Session stitching pieces
rate than others, are likely to receive higher together analytics and clumps them together
authority according to Google’s algorithms. in the same session.
Content Conclusion
The sole purpose of AMP is to provide users Accelerated mobile pages will, inevitably,
with content as quickly as possible, mitigating affect a website’s ranking in Google and
mobile loading speed and competing with other search engines. Performance, content
the instant content delivery of various social production, and mobile SEO are all factors that
media platforms. Today, Facebook, Twitter, come into play when using AMP as a ranking
Instagram, and Reddit allow users to instantly factor. Although many supposed “experts” will
access content (articles, videos, posts, and so dispute the fact that accelerated mobile pages
on), and mobile websites are frantic to keep hold any bearing over a site’s ranking, Google,
up. AMP levels the playing field, giving regular itself, has recently announced that speed,
websites the same capabilities as social media indeed, will contribute to how high a particular
sites in regards to hosting and displaying page ranks in search engine results pages.
content. This makes content included in AMP In fact, mobile sites are already experiencing
sites far more shareable than others. As a boosts in traffic and engagement due to their
result, AMPed sites will likely appear higher speed in comparison to sites without AMP.
in search engine result pages on the merit of
content delivery alone.
PayOutMagazine 41