Page 43 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.1
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information from large swathes of data and turn      this sounds like standard procedure, customers
it into actionable strategies.                       also report that they feel less harassed by
                                                     the company. Instead of dealing with several
    An example of AI technology currently            phone calls with a live stressed out human,
accessible to organizations include chatbots         they receive only one automated but friendly
which help a business reach more customers           reminder at a time which suits their schedule.
without significantly adding to their staff
overheads. An AI bot presents an interactive             Artificial intelligence has shown impressive
conversational interface that traditional web-       results with debt collection and has improved
based forms are unable to duplicate.                 the lives of both staff and customers caught
                                                     up in the process. Hopefully, the results will
How AI can Help Locate the Best                      make corporations more comfortable with
People for the Job                                   incorporating AI into the organization and
                                                     remove some of the uncertainty about using AI
    Every organization, from small business          in industry.
owners to global corporations could do with a
hand at processing job applications to quickly       AI Will Enhance Online Security
separate the wheat from the chaff. Human level
processing requires hours of perusing resumes            The deep learning capabilities of future AI
and completing online searches, tasks which          platforms will enable businesses to provide
can be achieved in a matter of seconds by AI         enhanced online security for their clients.
software.                                            Humans have proven themselves inadequate
                                                     at implementing measures to protect against
    Of course, final decisions will still come       new threats, but with AI’s near limitless data
down to a face-to-face interview, but the            capacity and ability to react to threats in real-
preliminary investigation, when handled by AI,       time, it may be able to maintain an edge over
will make filtering out unsuitable candidates        cybercriminals.
more efficient.
                                                     AI in the Financial Sector
How The Retail Sector is Embracing
AI                                                       Making a profitable trade on the stock
                                                     exchange is usually the result of hours of
    It’s a common sight when making a purchase       research revealing possible future trading
online to see a quick advertisement pop up           decisions likely to be made by the rest of the
showing related products or the items which          market. Artificial intelligence will have a higher
other customers have bought with these shoes,        capacity for recognizing patterns and be able
shirts, pants, games console, or what have you.      to react in a fraction of a time it takes a human
                                                     to make an analytical decision.
    The above is a prime example of AI at work
which most online shoppers have embraced                 AI is already making inroads into the
with enthusiasm. AI is working quietly behind        finance sector, with quite a few hedge funds
the scenes, analyzing your shopping habits           incorporating the technology into their
the algorithm then uses to make an “educated         management strategy.
guess” about what to recommend to you –
improving the shopping experience and the            New Skill Sets Will Be Required
retailer’s bottom line in the process.
                                                         Every new era of technological advancement
How AI is Influencing Debt Collection                requires the acquisition of new skill sets for
                                                     development and maintenance and the mindset
    AI is increasingly used to automate the          to deal with problems which the technology of
debt collection. Staff responsible for collecting    today has so far not been able to solve. It’s
outstanding payments always report that it is        crucial that all levels of business recognize not
one of the most stressful parts of their day.        just the competitive advantages AI can provide,
                                                     but also the enormous challenges that are
    AI removes the human element and takes           ahead of them.
over the role of sending emails, texts, and calling
customers with pre-recorded messages. While

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