Page 40 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.1
P. 40
Will AMP Improve
Your Google
Despite claims from Google that without accelerated mobile pages. When seasons and typical times of increased traffic,
accelerated mobile pages do not, in fact, it comes to speed, these pages always like the holidays.
affect a website’s ranking in search engine outperform the other. Those who remain
results pages (SERPs), digital marketers skeptical of AMP should consider running a Mobile SEO
expect this to change. Soon, AMP pages small-scale test, using Google Analytics and
may very well impact how high a page ranks organic insights. Considering Google’s recent decision to
in search engine results. Accelerated mobile turn their attention to mobile search result
pages are designed with speed in mind, so, How To Test speed and user engagement, AMP will
considering Google’s recent announcement definitely affect the SEO efforts of mobile
regarding speed as a new ranking factor First, you should sort your pages into two sites. Speed will eventually become a ranking
for mobile sites, it goes without saying that separate categories using Google Analytics: SEO factor. Before that happens though,
websites that implement these accelerated organic traffic and mobile pages. Next, set digital marketers will find that search engine
mobile pages might see an increase in both your data ranges to encompass a full year of optimization is already impacted by mobile
ranking and online traffic. activity. Select the pages you want to test and site speed. Accelerated mobile pages are
implement AMP into. Now examine any metrics intertwined with SEO in the following ways.
Performance related to increased traffic and visibility, like
click-through-rates. Notice any spikes in
AMP pages, suffice it to say, generally data that may be related to your accelerated
perform better than existing mobile sites mobile pages, taking into account transitional
40 PayOutMagazine