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Exciting Features To Look Forward dropping off without reaching the bottom of the
To page that contained more information on the
Clarity is a product in active development
and there are more and more features to be In this case, users had to continuously
expected as Microsoft explores and tweaks scroll way far down to see the information they
what is currently on offer. Among the interesting wanted, and thus got frustrated and exited the
features to look out for are: page. The developers then used this information
to include a “jump to recipe” option for readers
Interesting sessions who wanted to quickly get to the recipe and exit.
Based on Clarity’s AI as well as device With the ‘jump to recipe’ button included
learning capabilities, interesting sessions are at the top of the blog pages, the team saw
flagged. This will aid website developers to traffic increasing and premature abandonment
systematically review their user’s sessions with decreasing. Users used the button to find
abnormal click or scrolling behavior, JS errors, the information they were interested in,
abnormal session lengths, and more. abandonment went down by roughly 10%
signaling significant user satisfaction.
The largest win for developers is that they
spend less time doing such analysis on their This is an example of how to use this tool
users, yet gain more insights into user behavior. to collect data that can inform changes to
This is attributable to the fact that Clarity significantly improve your user experience.
sifts through the data and highlights the most
relevant information only. Why is Insight Into User Experience
Related sessions
To understand the usefulness of Clarity
This entails grouping similar sessions that and why it is a useful tool to have, it is key to
are endorsed based on an individual session. understand user experience and how it is a key
This particular feature allows web developers contributor to your revenue.
to understand specific user behavior. Related
sessions also show other website interactions User experience (UX) tries to fulfill the
for an individual user as well as other site users. user’s needs. Further, it aims to provide positive
experiences that will keep users loyal to a brand
Heatmaps (repeat customers equals consistent revenue).
On the other hand, heatmaps will provide In addition, a meaningful user experience
insight into user behavior via click/touch and allows you to define the most successful user
heatmaps. Clarity’s click/touch heatmaps journeys on your website.
provide distribution of individual user’s
interactions on a webpage. Again, scroll What Makes a Great User
heatmaps will show you just how far down users Experience?
scroll on your site.
This is a complex question to answer. The
Clarity scroll heatmaps case study truth is, each user experience is uniquely
different. The only way to find out how your
For instance, a food blog called Cook with users view your website is by asking your
Manali has posts start with a narration about the customers what they think of your site (using
featured recipe and the inspiration for a dish. surveys). Another way to get these insights is by
Each post also had detailed descriptions and using analytical tools. This is where tools such
step by step photos. At the extreme end of the as Clarity come in.
page is a recipe card with nutritional information
and featured ingredients. While this seems like With this new entrant into the market,
the dream recipe layout, some users prefer to developers can begin answering questions
go to straight to the recipe. close to their businesses and plowing back
their findings in order to develop websites that
The Cook with Manali associates were able will achieve the ultimate goal: user satisfaction.
to investigate user behavior using clarity. From
their findings, almost 30% of their users were
PayOutMagazine 49