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constructed videos and step-by-step 9. Improving Project Management and
instructions that make installation and Collaboration
customization a breeze. It does not require
Google Docs is a platform that lets employees,
technical knowledge or the IT guy. And Google
clients and any other authority manage
was careful to develop their solutions so that
documentation on the Internet. You can share
anyone already familiar with spreadsheets,
information on an as-needed basis. Give a
word processors and email can get started
vendor access to a contract that only lets them
view, but lets contract managers edit or add
4. Spam notes. Forego emailing attachments or creating
PDFs which require signifcant management to
It’s relatively easy to ignore spam in a personal
coordinate fle versions, risks losing edits and
INBOX. A business cannot necessarily randomly
could lead to locating scattered versions. Using
ignore emails. Fortunately, Google Apps offers
Google Docs, fles are immediately stored in the
a great way to reduce spam through a simple
cloud and revisions are automatically saved.
personalization of flters. It lets you manage
Also, the application has substantial recovery
unwanted messages with ease, eliminating the
need to fnd and delete unwanted posts. and fle comparison features for easy tracking.
Your teams will also be able to conveniently
5. Mobility export documents into various fle extensions,
including PDF, WORD, Excel or PowerPoint.
Google Apps is driven to be a major player in
mobility. Their solution has been designed to
Of course, you should not expect perfection.
ensure you can suffciently manage documents
Google Docs will simplify operations, but that
and emails wherever you are and with whatever
doesn’t make it a cure-all. When you have
personal device you’re using. All you will
multiple hands in the waters, it’s best to ensure
need is to make sure there’s a secure and fast
project managers have a solid handle on what’s
Internet connection.
going where, to who and management of team
6. Search Functions contributions.
Should you fnd yourself running out of storage
10. Expanding Your Knowledge Base
space for email, you could end up needing an
old email temporarily. Trying to remember an Google Sites is a tool for developing a secure
old email address could be a problem. Google Intranet. Share information, design a public
Apps has a search function that makes fnding domain for the business, import and export
a previous email addy as easy as it gets as long from other apps and give employees, vendors,
as that address still exists. clients, contractors and customers the ability to
view. Again, you can designate administrative
7. Accessibility
capabilities for users, granting editing and
Google Apps’s faculty is unmatched. Set up a posting access to a few individuals or an entire
web program or give access to a new hire, all team.
within minutes. Google Apps also seamlessly
integrates operations. Set up a main account, From improving your professional look with
email, websites and schedules with the platform a business email to ensuring your teams are
tying them all together. all on the same page with documentation
and communication, Google Apps is going to
8. Other Products improve operations in every way. You’ll have

sudden and quick access to all your project
Google Apps has a broad range of solutions
accessible through the single download. You needs, regardless of how far your operatives
will have a slew of options - email, calendars, are spread across the globe.
fle sharing, presentations - all within the
Google Apps has speed, storage and
one program. You will also be able to use the
Google Apps Marketplace to fnd additional accessibility. It will make workfow among
resources to integrate into the system, such teams fuid. It will enhance CRM, B2B and B2C
as Intuit Online Payroll, an app that lets you with its solid methods for interaction. It’s
manage employee compensation via Google easy to see why Google Apps has become the
Calendar. solution for so many businesses, big and small.

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