Page 42 - Payout Adult Industry Magazine Volume 6.5
P. 42

Website Marketing strategies:
One-Way Links Versus

Reciprocal Links

nline marketing is a complex and it would appear among the top few results for of these kinds of services. That means that
Osometimes technical feld. However, you Google searches like “arthritis pain cure” when getting reciprocal links is much less valuable
cannot succeed and maintain success in such before the link the researcher’s site wasn’t even than one-way links. Search engines simply
an online-driven industry without taking the on the frst page. That’s the potential power of don’t trust them very much.
time to learn about how it works and applying linking.
that knowledge to your company. Often, it That is not to say that you should give up
comes down to a combination of web design on reciprocal links, because one-way links are
Linking Practicalities: One-Way
and a time investment in some specifc new pretty hard to earn. It just emphasizes that
and Reciprocal
element of your business plan. That’s the case your SEO efforts have to be organic. That’s
for today’s topic, which is linking. Specifcally,
There are two different kinds of links- one- not a reference to food. It means that your
we’re going to examine why links are important,
way links and reciprocal ones. One-way links growth comes from people who link to you
the difference between one-way and reciprocal
take place when one site links to another and interact with you out of genuine regard
links, and what you can do to get more of the
unilaterally: the second site does not link back. for your content, not because you paid for it.
right kind of linking.
In a reciprocal link, both sites link to each other. Organic growth is the only way to build long-
Search engines trust one-way links much more term success in SEO work, especially linking.
Introduction to Linking because they are a sign that the site getting For example, if you maintain a blog, then you
linked must have highly attractive content. On need to produce consistently good content to
Linking is exactly what it sounds like: when
the other hand, a reciprocal link could be a sign pick up lots of links. Quality content, in turn,
one website posts a link to another. The key
that two sites are collaborating to game the will lead to comments, social media shares,
concept behind the importance of links is that
system. Each is trying to get ahead by linking to likes, follows, and links. All of those things are
Google, Bing, and all the other search engines
each other. There are some sites that do this: important from an SEO perspective.
treat links as a sign of trust. When a big,
they will control hundreds of dummy sites and
trustworthy site links out to a smaller, lesser-
blogs that all link to each other, and if you pay In some cases, it will develop that many of your
known one, the search engines assume that the
them a fee, they will start linking to you too. It organic links will be reciprocal. However, their
smaller site must be delivering some very good
is tempting to view this as an easy way to get organic nature will increase their credibility in
content. That means the smaller site will enjoy
ahead in the SEO world, but for reasons that I the eyes of the search engines. It is much better
a boost to its PageRank, which means whenever
will explain shortly, it’s a mistake. to have a collection of organic reciprocal links
anyone searches for a keyword related to that
than one of paid one-way links. Sometimes,
smaller site, the site will appear higher up on
the list of results. Let’s create an example. Organic Linking due to luck or good planning you will obtain
some one-way links from big infuencers and
Imagine that there is a medical researcher who
Search engines are hyper-sensitive to paid sources. Those are useful opportunities, but
works on coming up with new ways to relieve
arthritis pain, but is is not well-known. If all of linking and other ways to cheat the system. you should not count on something like that
a sudden the New York Times were to post a Historically, it has been a big problem for them, coming along frequently.
front-page story on their website saying that because it turns search results into listings of
this researcher had found a major step forward sites whose owners could afford to pay for The bottom line is that linking is one of
in arthritis pain and included a link to the what is known as black hat SEO instead of the most important parts of SEO work, so
researcher’s personal website, then that would listings of sites that are actually good or useful. accumulating organic links should be a top
be an example of a large trusted site linking to As a result, search engines crack down hard on goal. One-way links are better than reciprocal
a small one. As a result, the PageRank of the anyone they even suspect at trying to use black ones, but organic links always trump artifcial
researcher’s website would skyrocket, so that hat SEO. Reciprocal linking is a potential sign ones.

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