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from the new wp-content folder, it’s important until the cache eventually updates itself. This
that you only focus on fles within this specifc basically completes the standard manual update
directory. of WordPress updates. It’s at this point that you
will want to enable any of the plugins found
Any other sub-directories are fne as is, due on your WordPress. There are times where you
to the fact that they contain default themes and might be unable to login once this process has
plugins. Copying the sub-directories within been completed. Don’t fret, as clearing browser
the wp-content directory can result in you cookies automatically solves this issue.
overwriting any themes that you’ve personally
customized. You should also inspect the wp-
Troubleshoot Any Known Issues
confg-sample.php fle in the latest update, as
it might contain some newer settings that you If you follow all of the previous instructions
could add to your current wp-confg.php fle. for a manual update, the update should go
Now that you’ve replaced all of the fles that off without a hitch. However, there are those
needed replacing, the most extensive task is moments where not everything works out
done. as expected, and you encounter an issue or
two. Some of the more common problems are
Fix Errors Caused By Automatic relatively simple to fx. If the layout of your
Update Attempt WordPress is strewn with strange errors, this
might signal that a plugin you were previously
If you had previously attempted to proceed using doesn’t work with the latest code. This
with the automatic update that only requires won’t happen with any plugins that come with
a single click of the update button, but had WordPress by default, but could come up with
been met with a failed attempt at an update, any that you’ve installed yourself. To fx this
now is the time in the manual update process issue, simply deactivate all plugins currently
to fx any errors that were introduced when the running, and then activate them one by one,
automatic update failed. Use FTP, and delete the checking the layout with each activation. This
fle that’s titled as .maintenance. This fle will be allows you to quickly identify the plugin that’s
causing these issues.
found in your WordPress directory. Deleting this
fle results in the removal of the failed update
You should also stay away from using old
message that appears.
code, even if you’ve customized it a lot since the
previous update. Updates provide new code that
Update Installation you’re supposed to use. Implementing some of

your old code instead will just greatly increase
Now, you will want to update the installation.
the chances of encountering a compatibility
To do this, go to your WordPress admin page,
issue. In the event of a serious problem with
which is found at /wp-admin. Login, and you
the update, it is possible to rollback to the
will typically be greeted with a message that
previous version of WordPress. However, this
states that a database upgrade needs to be
is not recommended, as old versions are no
done. WordPress automatically detects this and
longer supported by WordPress, and are open
provides you with a link for the upgrade. Once
to vulnerabilities within their security. Making
you go to this link, you will be given a set of use of a rollback to a previous version is only
relatively simple instructions to follow. When possible if you’ve kept a backup of your old fles.
you’ve fnished this process, your WordPress
database will be fully updated, making your Aside from the issues mentioned previously,
website compatible with the most recent code. there shouldn’t be any problems that you
This must be completed before moving on to encounter. If you’ve attempted to update
any other steps. automatically before the manual update,
there could be some problems with missing
Clear Cache and Enable Plugins fles or damaged data that could cause your
manual update to hit a snag. However, this is
In the event that you have enabled caching rare, and can be fxed by making use of your
with your WordPress, make sure to clear the WordPress backup. By closely following each of
cache before placing the website online again. the aforementioned steps, you will successfully
The reason for this is that any visitors to the update your WordPress to the latest version.
site will see the previous version of the website

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