Page 31 - Payout Adult Industry Magazine Volume 6.5
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3. Hold Contests one of them. Unlike some of the other social
media outlets, Instagram allows its user to tell
If you offer free things they will come. There
their story through videos and posts. Though
is no one in this life that does not like to get
photographs are an excellent option, they do
something for nothing. Giving away something
not get near as much publicity as the videos.
may be diffcult on the budget, but the cost of
You want to have videos that are fun, engaging
the item will be well worth it when you consider
how much marketing on normal venues would and make people want to share them with
cost. Giving something away creates buzz and others. Your videos must be shareable from the
buzz creates interest. Make your contest fun start and have a powerful story behind them.
by having people “Like” your pictures to enter. The customer should always be the hero and
Additionally, you can use hash tags to help get try to engage them as much as possible. It is
the word out about your contest. always a good idea to tap into your customers’
emotions to engage them.
4. Work with Brand
Ambassadors 7. Post Strategically
Brand ambassadors are a rather new arena
One of the most important aspects of posting
on social media. Brand ambassadors will help
on social media is using wisdom. Your posts
you to endorse your products and services.
should be strategically done. If you are not
They are the voice for your company on social
posting the best content, then you are not
media. If you fnd someone who is really
going to get more followers on Instagram. You
enthusiastic about the products and services
need to pay attention to things like time zones,
your company offers, hook up with them as
the demographics of your target audience,
a brand ambassador. Think that this plan
and content. You do not want anything that is
will not work, guess again. These people can
help to humanize your brand, increase your offensive or has the ability to be misconstrued
social outreach and even protect your online in any way. Think and rethink your posts and
reputation. videos before making them live. Sometimes it
is great to have something funny, but would
5. Find a Community everyone see it as harmless fun? Would

someone be offended by your content?
The Instagram market has more than 400
million users and is still growing. It does not
8. Like and Comment on Other
really matter what your niche is; you will be
able to fnd people that will follow and like
your products and services. Before you start
One of the most obvious ways to get more
marketing, pay attention to other brands or
followers is by posting and “liking” others posts
industries within the Instagram community.
and pictures. If you fnd yourself scrolling and
Find out who the top infuences are and what
smiling but never commenting on anything;
they are doing. Are they using hash tags? What
you need to change your actions. You need to
are the types of pictures and subject matters
give someone else the satisfaction that you are
they are delivering? If someone is successful in
enjoying what they are posting too. If you think
life, we often follow their methods for our own
success. Just think about the house fipping to that people do not pay attention to who likes
their posts, then you are wrong. Some people
be rich craze. There are thousands of people
fipping houses and making money just like even go back to personally see who it was that
the ones they seen on television. The same liked their items, and in return they look at your
principal can be used for Instagram. Find out stuff. Change your ways and your methods to
what others are doing that seems to work so be more “community oriented.”
well for them and copy it.
Being a part of Instagram is exciting. It is
6. Share Videos one of the fastest growing social media sites

around. The goal is to build a large community
If you are not already utilizing videos, then
you need to. Videos allow you to bring more where you have plenty of customers to engage
attention to your brand and further grow your with. With some hard work and some help from
following. If you question using some methods the tips above, soon your community will be
for your company, videos should never be bursting at the seams.

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