Page 48 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.01
P. 48
depictions of Al Pacino, Tom Cruise, and Arnold During its research, Adobe displayed pairs
Schwarzenegger when doing impressions of of images to the human subjects and the
the celebrities on a popular talk show. neural network. One copy was the original, but
the other was a manipulated version.
These have all been entertaining curiosities.
Still, deepfake has also been used to create The neural network proved itself incredibly
more disturbing videos of politicians and adept at picking up fakes. In tests, it managed
influential individuals, which highlight the a score of 99 percent accuracy. In comparison,
dangers should the technology be used for the best human eyes could only maintain a
more nefarious purposes. 53% success rate.
Mark Zuckerberg appeared on camera It’s one thing to be able to detect the
and supposedly said: “Imagine this for a forgeries, but the team went one step further
second: One man, with total control of billions and gave the AI the ability to revert the images
of people’s stolen data, all their secrets, their to their original form. While the results are
lives, their futures.” promising, the reverted images are a close
approximation to the original. The software is
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also been not yet able to remove all traces of the warping
the victim of a video that was manipulated into effect introduced by Photoshop’s Liquify tool.
making her appear intoxicated.
What Can AI Software Do? Fake images and videos are getting easier
to create and require nothing more than an
Adobe has been developing techniques for app, a couple of still photos, and a sufficiently
spotting image editing for many years now. powerful smartphone. There is growing
However, most of their efforts were focused importance in developing technology that can
on human editors using Photoshop tools to more easily spot these manipulated images
manipulate an image directly. and expose them for the frauds they are.
For example, splicing images, removing Unfortunately, the availability of such
objects, and copying one part of an image sophisticated photo editing tools means
to use in another area are well-known photo that the number of people trying to detect
manipulation strategies. Human editors using such fakes are outnumbered 100 to 1 against
these techniques will disrupt the digital noise those creating fake images and videos. While
captured by the camera’s digital sensor. The one side is busy working out how to identify
editor of the image unwittingly leaves a digital faked images, the other team is hard at work
trail the software can detect to reveal the developing techniques to create more realistic
forgery. and convincing forgeries.
Adobes renewed AI efforts are focused The challenge is more significant than
more on reverse engineering edits which have just creating AI that can successfully root
been initially made by AI. The main focus for out fake images. An even more substantial
Adobe and the research team is to restore the problem may lie in getting people to trust that
public’s faith in digital media, in an age where the AI is accurate enough to be meaningful
fakes and touch-ups are commonplace. – especially on content that is political, or in
some way designed to polarize the public.
How the Research Team Trained
the AI Abode firmly believes that AI will play an
increasingly important role in validating digital
To create the AI, the team studied the Face media, while also making it more challenging
Away Liquify feature available in Photoshop. for those wishing to spread fake news by
The primary function of this tool is its ability to way of forged imagery and videos. As head
change the faces, eyes, and mouths easily. of Adobe Research, Gavin Miller says, “This
is an important step in being able to detect
A convolutional neural network (CNN) was certain types of image editing.”
trained to analyze the visual data and pick up
the changes made to the faces in the image.