Page 46 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.01
P. 46


                      AI To
                   The Fakes

Using Photoshop to modify an existing               Adobe has partnered with a research              Photoshop’s Liquify Your Face Tool
      image has become so ubiquitous that the   team at UC Berkeley to improve the situation
popular software tool is responsible for a new  by employing AI (Artificial Intelligence) to             The tool providing users the ability to liquify
verb making its way into widespread usage.      detect signs that an image of a face has been        faces has been around for quite a few versions
Images are no longer modified or faked; they    somehow manipulated. So far, developments            of the software and has steadily grown in
are “Photoshopped.”                             are limited to a feature of Photoshop called         sophistication with each new release. When
                                                Face Aware Liquify.                                  using this tool, you can push and pull pixels
      Photoshop is often cited as the tool of                                                        around until you are satisfied with the results.
choice for creating fake images. However,           The Face Aware Liquify tool has long been
image manipulation has been around long         used for relatively harmless edits, such as              Retouchers quickly fell in love with the tool
before Photoshop arrived on the scene,          turning that frown upside down, putting just         because it gave them an easy way for them to
and even before digital imaging was a thing.    a touch more surprise in a person’s eyes, or         modify specific areas of a model’s body. A fact
However, until the arrival of Adobe’s powerful  adding a slight murk that would do the Mona          which often makes hilarious headlines when
image processing software, photo manipulation   Lisa proud.                                          a retoucher makes an obvious mistake that a
had never been so easy or straightforward.                                                           magazine editor misses, and the publication
                                                    Of course, the feature is still powerful         makes it to the printers.
     It’s no surprise that exposing the truth   enough to be used for political gain if the
behind fake images has been a passion of        goal is to sway voters’ opinions. A neutral              Face Aware Liquify is an advanced version
cynics for many decades. Editing tools have     expression can easily be changed into one of         of the tool which uses AI to recognize parts
expanded their repertoire, while methods to     anger or disgust.                                    of the face and give retouchers an enhanced
detect devious manipulations and duplicitous                                                         ability to modify the size and shape of specific
edits have been forced to play catchup              A recent blog post from Adobe stated that        features, such as the nose, eyes, and mouth.
‚“without anywhere near the same level of       “This new research is part of a broader effort
success.                                        across Adobe to better detect any image, video,      The Growing Danger of Deepfake
                                                audio, and document manipulations.”
     Of course, law enforcement and image                                                                A quick YouTube search using deepfake as
forensic teams have access to the latest             So far, Adobe’s AI is limited to faces as it’s  the search term will bring up many entertaining
and greatest tools for sniffing out less than   still not possible to point the software at any      examples of image and video manipulation.
authentic images - the rest of us, however,     image and detect the presence of nefarious           Jimmy Fallon turns into Paul Rudd, a Russian
have had to make do.                            edits.                                               president becomes the spitting image of
                                                                                                     Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movie, and
                                                                                                     Bill Hader transforms into almost perfect

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