Page 53 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.01
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Why Libra? Of course, transactions will be a collective Fortunes have been made and lost
effort, and none of these companies will throughout Bitcoin’s turbulent history. Bitcoin
The name Libra was decided because it have a vote on how they are processed and prices have surged between around $1,000
refers to the basic Roman measurement of verified. This concept slots nicely into the in 2017, to approximately $20,000, with huge
weight. Plus, the abbreviation of lb comes definition of what makes a cryptocurrency. dips and swings in between.
from Libra, and even the fancy £ symbol is
taken from the letter “L” in Libra. There are die-hard libertarians who believe It’s not the most stable platform on which
that a controlling group of corporations goes to purchase your morning coffee. Your cup of
How Will Libra Work? against all that Blockchain enthusiasts hold joe could increase in price by tens of dollars
dear. There’s a justifiable concern that the in a matter of seconds before the struggling
Like Bitcoin, the granddaddy of all Libra Association may not hold up under Blockchain network catches up with the
cryptocurrencies, Libra will run on a modified the weight of a government attempting to transaction.
version of blockchain technology. impose its will on Libra – such as blocking
a transaction. Facebook wants Libra to be used as
Blockchain technology provides the a currency rather than an investment (or
infrastructure for all cryptocurrency Facebook has released an official reason speculative) platform, which is why they have
exchanges to occur. It creates a digital, for why they have settled on this design, declared it to be a “stablecoin.”
unchangeable record of every payment that which is that the model used by Blockchain
has ever happened in a cryptocurrency. does not have sufficient power to provide the What the heck is a “stablecoin,” and what
“global financial infrastructure” needed by does it mean for users of the platform?
The critical aspect of a Blockchain is that Libra to achieve everything it is setting out Basically, just like every American dollar used
it has no central server. Instead, it operates to do. to be tied to the value of gold in Fort Knox,
over a network of peers. No single server is the value of a Libra will be associated with
responsible for any transaction on its own. Another claim by Facebook may also help real-world assets.
Instead, hundreds of computers on a peer- to validate Libra as a cryptocurrency. Once
to-peer network lend their computing power the currency is launched and circulating The Libra Association plans to hold
to perform the operations. in the wild, the company will withdraw its low-risk government securities to ensure
leadership role, and all association members the stability of every Libra virtual coin in
The decentralized nature of Blockchain will receive equal votes when governing Libra. circulation. When users trade Libra for real-
serves a couple of purposes. Firstly, the world cash, that cash value will be added to
design enhances security because there is Why Should Libra Be Centralized? the Libra Association’s reserves.
no central server where all the information
is stored. Even if hackers could access the Centralizing Libra transactions will Whatever your feelings about
network, the data they have access to will help to increase speed and scalability. A cryptocurrencies, Facebook’s proposed
be minimal. Secondly, a global peer-to-peer decentralized system creates a more secure entry will mean interesting times are ahead
network means that governments have no environment that is protected against for the global financial sector. France has
central body they can target to impose their hacking and is less vulnerable to shutdowns. made it clear that only governments should
will. print money and is warning about the
The Visa payment system can handle potential for Libra to be used as funding for
In short, Blockchain is the ultimate tool about 24,000 transactions per second. In illegal operations.
for sticking it to the man, the banks, and the comparison, the Bitcoin blockchain is only
state. capable of seven payments per second. England has also stated that Libra will
When it first goes live, it will be expected only be allowed if it meets their stringent
Is Libra a Real Cryptocurrency that Libra will be able to handle up to 1,000 standards. Lawmakers in the US and EU are
transactions per second. vocal about how much trust can we truly
Facebook’s insistence on calling Libra a place on a company that has already proven
cryptocurrency has caused some ripples in According to Libra’s white paper, Libra will itself as an unaccountable and arrogant
the cryptocurrency sphere of influence. Not be moving from the current proposed model monopoly.
all agree that it should qualify as a bonafide (permissioned Blockchain) to a completely
member of the cryptocurrency family. decentralized model referred to as a
“permissionless blockchain.” We will have to
For starters, anyone can set up a Bitcoin trust that this will happen because there are
node and join the network. Libra, on the other no guarantees.
hand, will only run on nodes controlled by
Libra Association members (i.e., Facebook, Is Volatility a Problem?
Uber, PayPal, and others).