Page 46 - volume-12-3
P. 46


                    SEARCH UPDATE

                  - May 2022 - and What it Means

              oogle recently released its latest core   Google favoring AMP pages over other   ready for any change or variation in search
          Gsearch update, and it’s much more   traditional non-AMP pages, depending on   results.
          significant than you might think. This article   various factors. It is a massive change for
          will talk about the significant changes and   those who haven’t adopted AMP yet, but the   The update itself means that mobile web
          what that means for SEO. Google is an   situation is much better for those using it
          essential player in all aspects of the internet   for their mobile sites. It also directly impacts   pages will be able to load faster on mobile
          world, including the realm of search. They   SEO and how search results are created.  devices because AMP pages usually take
          dominated the market for years with their                              fewer data and load faster. Those who don’t
          rough, back-to-basics approach to providing   This change will benefit most mobile web   use AMP will have a more challenging time
          searchers with a list of links to get straight   pages by making them useless data and   ranking well in search engines, which is
          to finding what they were looking for. Google   loading faster overall. There will be changes
          became so successful at what it did that   in particular SERPs because of how Google   significant for anyone who hasn’t adopted
          it began to innovate by introducing new   calculates ranking based on content   AMP yet. Google has said that they will be
          features regularly - and sometimes, those   weighting and external link counts. For   changing how they calculate the importance
          changes affected the way search worked.
                                              example, if a page has a lot of external links   of a page, but details on what this means
                                              and AMP pages don’t, that’s an advantage   and the exact time frame for their change
            So it makes sense that Google would
          stay ahead of the game by refining its   for AMP pages, and they may end up ranking   are unknown.
                                              higher than the non-AMP page. Google has
          existing system with more advanced updates
          and other adjustments to deliver a better   also said that they will be changing how they   It’s also important to note that Google
                                              calculate the importance of a page.
          experience for both searchers and search                               has been rolling out minor adjustments in
          engine results page websites. Google is                                its rankings over time and changes to its
          one of the leaders in web-based innovation,   How Google measures content weighting   algorithm for mobile and desktop searches.
          and this article will talk about its latest core   is something they keep as close to their
          search update, which just happened earlier   chest as possible, making it difficult to   These can directly affect rankings and
          this month. It will also detail what this new   predict what will happen and when. However,   how search engine results pages look and
          change is and what that means for SEO and   there are things we can do to help optimize   function. It means it’s essential to be ready
          search engine optimization.         our sites for the future with this new update.  for any change or variation in search results.

          What is the update?                 What Does it Mean?                    Google’s latest core search update

            Google made a massive change to its   There are several reasons why this   changes how they work, which will
          core search algorithms, specifically affecting   update is so significant and has a significant   significantly impact how rankings are
          mobile search. The change is already being   impact on search results pages. It will   calculated. However, it’s important to
          felt in SERP results and search rankings.   change how Google looks at rankings and   remember that Google has been rolling out
          It’s hard to determine how long the impact   what kind of content will end up on their
          will be felt, but it’s safe to assume it will take   search pages. However, it’s also probable   minor adjustments in its rankings over time
          some time before you make full coverage in   that there will continue to change that could   and changes to its algorithm for mobile and
          many cases. The change revolves around   affect those around us, so we have to be   desktop searches.

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