Page 43 - volume-12-3
P. 43
specific sections of your site. For example, Use hreflang tags to indicate that there realize how important this step can be
suppose you want each product page on your are different versions of content available because they aren’t familiar with how Google’s
eCommerce store to display differently than in different languages on your website. For algorithms work or how users think about
other pages. In that case, it may make sense example, if you have an English version and a searching for content online.
for one product’s template file in particular French version for your website, you can use
so that everything looks consistent across hreflang tags in the HTML code for each page We’ve seen clients who were creating
multiple product pages throughout the entire to indicate that both versions exist on the very generic titles like “Homepage” or “About
website. same URL structure and are equivalent (but in Us” for their homepage. While this seems
different languages). harmless enough on its own, these types of
If you’re building from scratch, then there phrases typically do not engage users or help
are additional considerations such as whether � Include markup throughout them find what exactly they’re looking for
content will be automatically generated based your site so that search engine crawlers when using Google Search Engine Results
on user interactions with search engines can easily understand its structure. This Pages (SERPS).
like Googlebot, which crawls websites along includes using structured data on product
with other bots such as BingBot (Microsoft’s pages or other types of content where Instead of having these generic terms as
search engine. applicable so it can be picked up by titles on all pages within an organization’s
Google’s Knowledge Graph feature within website structure, we recommend using more
Monitor your site’s performance search results (which also increases click- specific terms that clearly indicate what the
through rates). page contains to entice searchers into clicking
Monitoring site performance is important through SERP listings through links within
because it allows you to know where your Set proper canonical tags. organic results pages (SERPs) along with paid
website stands in the eyes of Google and ads like AdWords advertisements.”
other search engines and if it’s performing Canonical tags are the most basic way to
as well as you expect. This can help you tell search engines which version of a page is
see if any issues on your site need fixing so the original, and they should be set on every Optimize your images to enhance
that users don’t have trouble finding what single duplicate or similar content. web page load speed
they’re looking for or end up leaving your site Images are a key part of the user
prematurely. This tells search engines what your experience. They can help you convey your
preferred version of any given URL is (in this
To monitor a website’s performance, first case, it’s message, engage your audience and give
look at its user experience (UX). Is it fast? It’s worth noting that you should only add you an edge over your competition. However,
image files can slow down web page load
Can people get around easily? Are there canonical tags to pages where there are
broken links or pages that 404’d? If so, try multiple versions; if you have just one page speed and affect SEO.
fixing those issues before moving on to step with a different URL than its main URL, don’t
two: checking the crawl rate of your website. use a canonical tag. This can cause issues Optimize images to reduce the file size
This involves making Googlebot has indexed with Google’s indexing system. by choosing the proper format, size, and
sure everything by checking which URLs were dimensions. A large high-resolution image will
crawled recently on Google Search Console Write engaging titles and descriptions. take longer to download than a smaller one
(GSC). with lower quality.
1. Make sure they’re unique
If there are issues with this part of SEO Additionally, consider using vector graphics
technicalities, too, for example, if certain parts If you have multiple pages with the same whenever possible because they don’t require
of their site aren’t being indexed properly, then title and description, search engines won’t additional resources to display on different
address them before continuing onto step know which one is relevant to a search query, devices or resolutions. However, for better
three: checking whether visitors are actually and neither will your users. It’s important to performance on mobile devices, use PNG-8
finding what they’re looking for when they visit use different keywords in each URL to make instead of JPEGs, as PNG files compress
specific pages on their website using analytics sure that each page is uniquely targeted or at better without losing quality.
tools such as Google Analytics or CrazyEgg. least has some variation so that it can rank for
more than one keyword phrase. Conclusion
1. Ensure a crawlable website design.
2. Make sure they describe what the page If your website suffers from technical SEO
2. Use a robots.txt file to prevent the crawling is about issues, you can fix them by following these
of non-essential pages. steps. It’s easy to address technical SEO
While it might seem obvious that a title issues and improve your site’s performance
3. Use sitemaps to inform search engines should describe what a webpage includes, with just a few changes to its codebase or
about the presence, importance, and there are still many instances where this content. Comment below and let us know if
location of all URLs on your site. doesn’t happen. Sometimes people don’t you have any questions.