Page 45 - volume-12-3
P. 45
information to Google's servers. While this their purposes, as well as which keywords are
is a major victory for those espousing user problematic. Keep in mind that local mores
privacy, it also represents a lot of data that are different than international ones, meaning
web designers do not have access to, making that words that work on an international level
proper search engine optimization difficult if may not work on a local or even regional level;
not impossible. After all, web designers rely on different words have different connotations
that information to choose the best possible and usage in different areas. It may not be
keywords for each site; this is going to make a bad idea to spend some time in a specific
some coding difficult. area, physically traveling there, if you design a
lot of sites for a specific area.
While designers could look around the
native area for the best possible keywords, Spending some time in the local region
that capability is gone. Just as importantly, it is would definitely be recommended for those
difficult to check out which keywords perform working with images. Not only would it
poorly as well. Web designers also use Google properly inspire an image creator, but it would
to look at which sites are doing well in an area,
using those sites for inspiration; without easy give them a better idea of which colors and
access to Google Analytics, Google's ranking images work at the local level. It would also
is likely to be off, making it harder to look up impress the client to see those colors and
which sites are popular in the region. This is images, as well as help avoid them for clients
going to impact design and SEO issues for who want to avoid any connection with the
even local designers. region. While an image search of the region
would do just as well for our purposes here,
This is also going to affect the sometimes having the real-life perspective
monetization of those sites as well. As cannot be beaten; if the client is looking for
most designers gear their design toward something specific, having that perspective
Google, this is going to require some major allows you to cut to the chase quickly.
adjustments; using Google has been seen as
the go-to search engine to focus on, precisely With the new restriction in place,
because of its near-universality. As more companies are going to need to get a little
countries pull away from Google, this means bit more clever when it comes to securing
that Google will also lose that much more data the information that they need to do their job
and it will force designers to look at using properly. For most companies, this will not
more local search engines, much as designers be a problem, just a changing of the specific
creating sites for possible Chinese use are search engines that they use to find their
doing already. information. Smaller companies are going
to need to debate if they can do the same
It Could Be Worse service at the same prices, especially as they
are going to have to do more research to do
The monetization issue is relatively simple, the same job. This also means that companies
especially for local designers. Non-native are going to have to worry more about
designers will need to research which search
translation quality.
engines are popular in the area they are
designing for; eliminating America-based Google's legal changes are not going to
companies, this means Ecosia and Qwant are
the search engines to look at. While Yandex make the lives of web designers any easier.
is also popular, its ties to Russia in light of Designers are going to need to make sure that
the current conflict make it rather debatable the sites they design are going to worry about
as a go-to site. In essence, for those looking sites working with local browsers even more
to monetize sites in terms of advertising and and to know which sites to submit to. As the
submitting to the best possible search engine, sites are also effectively detached from one
Ecosia and Qwant may be good substitutes of the best sources of analytic data, this also
for Google until Google figures it out. means that they will be guessing at some of
the most used keywords. However, there are
This also means that Ecosia and Qwant ways to overcome those issues so the most
can also help web designers looking for a way innovative designers should be able to deal
to figure out which keywords are the best for with the handicap and still create great sites.