Page 17 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.8
P. 17
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“Always be who you are, be genuine and real.” to make life easier for you and him, I’m there
to fulfil his fantasies so that you don’t get fired
ell, yes, that’s what we think and it’s tomorrow for that late report that you sent.
wsomething that everyone should do You’re welcome! (Ivy Aryah)
and be.
Or what about Mr Tom, your daughter’s
And that’s totally true and fair until that 9th grade teacher? He seems so calm and
yellow button for private from LiveJasmin is collected and he takes so much care of the kids.
pressed. Then the real realness comes out. He comes to me when he can’t hold it anymore
and he asks me to talk in a schoolgirl voice, tell
That’s where everyone is their real selves. him that I haven’t done my homework and I was
a really, really bad girl. You see, Mr Tom has a
Ok, let us take you back a bit so you fetish that he holds inside and is fighting with.
understand that we’re not jaded nor crazy, we Before I broke him, he told me he hadn’t talked
just tell them like it is and also, we’re trying to to a woman in years because he was afraid
shine some light on what everyone this is the his fetish will send the women off running and
cam industry. screaming. No, he doesn’t want to f**k your
daughter, calm down, Susan. It means that the
We’re not porn stars..uhm, erase that. We’re man has a fetish, a fantasy, a sorta something
not ALL porn stars, not all of us. Some are just happened in his brain and his wee-wee works
simple cam girls that want to make a living only if he sees a woman in a schoolgirl outfit.
from actually talking to people and developing (Rebecca000)
relationships, sexy therapists as some would
call us. Oh, that nerdy guy that you’ve always blew
off? Omg, he’s such a freak. He’s got one of the
So as people go to therapists, that’s how sexiest minds I ever met, and a really really really
they come to visit our rooms. And here, they let big… umm.. well you can guess what I’m talking
loose. about. But he’s so shy when it comes to having a
real life conversation with a girl and I try to help
You know how a lot of blogs were written him, encourage him, teach him what to say and
about the cam girls? The #girlsfromstudio20 what to do when the time comes.(Amber Haze)
and their lives?
You see, I’ve developed a relationship with
About the trolls and so on? these people, these freaks, these society-
approved-but-freaks-inside kind of people. They
Well, we, the #girlsfromstudio20 are here can be real with us, they can be themselves and
to #educate and let you guys know first hand they can’t hurt anyone.
about our new campaign.
This is one of the advantages of being a
The members don’t get enough content in cam girl: you help people be themselves and
the media as they should and they are the ones you also test yourself in a way that we actually
that keep us in business, the ones that matter. find out what our limits are, how we can control
ourselves, what we actually like and dislike, and
So let’s #educate you guys when it comes all this by just being us, unfiltered.
to guys that come to cam: 3 types of members.
We’re all animals, we all have our flaws but at
You know your boss? That hard head? The the end of the day, we all need to be understood.
one that’s always walking around like he has a We’re just here to understand, support and
foot in his ass and he’s so vocal? He’s one of #educate.
my members, and he likes to wear stockings
and a wig. He likes me to make fun of him and We’re the #girlsfromstudio20 and we’re here
call him my “bitch”. Your boss is human too, and to #educate.
PayOutMagazine 17