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Promoting your business through social When you get the word out, it can easily
media can improve brand recognition. create a buzz for your business without
exerting effort on your part. There are several
It’s a great way to increase your site’s ways on how you can use viral marketing,
inbound traffic or the number of visitors that including starting an online contest. You can
go to your website. offer additional entries or extra prizes for
people who use their blogs or sites to promote
Using different social media sites can allow the competition for you.
you to reach particular audiences:
reaching More Customers with
To reach a broad demographic, share Mobile applications
explanations about your products, how-to
videos, and testimonials from your customers It’s the age of mobile marketing, and
using YouTube and Facebook. there’s no better way to increase customer
access than using mobile apps. In 2017,
For young adults, use Instagram or almost five billion people were mobile users,
Snapchat and present regular visual content and 90% of them access the internet through
updates. their smartphones and tablets. Clearly, these
gadgets have captured the attention of
If you’re targeting mostly women, Pinterest numerous consumers when going through
is a nice social site that’s visually-oriented just online media.
like IG and Snapchat. However, users of this
social sharing site seek inspiration about the You can take this chance to reach your new
things that interest them. and existing customers. The convenience of
using mobile phones amplified the tendency
of consumers shopping right at their homes.
For a professional audience, LinkedIn is
often the best choice. It has led marketers to target mobile apps to
reach the users and eventually convert them
into paying customers.
It is not enough that you have an account
in the social media sites that you want to
If you don’t have your own app for your
use. You should also increase your profile’s
business yet, it’s time to have one. Here are
visibility, which you can achieve if you post some methods you can use to get more value
frequently. Encourage your readers, listeners, out of your mobile app:
and viewers to share their opinions about
your brand, products, and anything related Come up with a referral program that
to your business. These inputs are almost a encourages people to download your mobile
direct conversation between you and your app. You should not be afraid to incentivize the
customers. users of your app for their effort. It may cost
you some money, but you will see the return
Promoting your brand using viral on your investment sooner than you expect.
Provide content within the app that the
If you have a new product, website, or users can easily share on Facebook, Twitter,
business, you can turn to viral marketing to email, or other channels. In-app content can
increase your customers. It costs you almost be anything from mind-blowing statistics to
nothing, but it is a very effective method to quotable quotes to images.
raise brand awareness and of course, sales.
Have the app translated into multiple
The term viral marketing is about using languages, which will help increase your
word-of-mouth campaigns to pass along a company’s global reach. With only 20% of
message. For businesses, marketers typically English speakers of the world’s population, it
target groups of people who will possibly pass is wise to have an app that people from many
the campaign message. An example is a funny countries can understand.
YouTube video that is shared with friends.
These people will easily forward it to their Your app should be useful to your target
colleagues. users. Therefore, it is vital that you have
PayOutMagazine 15