Page 12 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.8
P. 12
Do You believe
In Love while
You cam?
her, our ultimate goddess, had a great my job, with the attention men gave me and
Csong back in 1998, “Believe’, in which she with my working hours. That quickly turned
asked if we believe in life after love. Well, of into jealousy and reproach. You know what
course, there’s life after love, during and before. they say, that every man wants a woman that
But what about while you’re a cam model? is wanted by many until he actually has one. It’s
the same for us, cam models. It’s hard enough
Most cam models have a 5 days a week, to find a man that is actually ok in real life, even
8-10 hours a day schedule, some work during harder when you’re doing this job.”
the night, so that doesn’t leave that much time
for love, either finding it or keeping it. Cam girls and boys are professionals when
it comes to their work and understand the
We’ve asked the #girlsfromstudio20 how difference between real life and fantasy, so
they feel about it and how can they maintain they know how to approach each situation with
a healthy relationship or build one during their control and poise.
work on cam and also how hard it is to find a
SO that understands what you do. “I think it takes a real man, a confident one,
to understand how to be with a cam model. It
Madelene Ray, AW Awards winner of the might look easy but it’s actually not. There are
“Best Newcomer” was the first one to reply members who understand that we’re there not
when we asked. for the money, but to also meet new people, to
offer a service, to be their sexy therapists but
“I think people should understand the limit there’s always that one that goes crazy. We are
between fantasy and real life. Of course, I look kind of public people, we understood that and
in a different way IRL than I do on LiveJasmin. it did take us some time to get used to it, it’s
In my real life, I don’t wear that much makeup not fair to ask the same from someone who you
and I have a boring life actually, not a lot is just met. That’s why I’m saying that the dating
happening. Recently I found out that I have a world out there is really harsh; why would we
stalker that follows me, takes videos of me and all be on cam then? LOL” says Anyssa Bayron.
I must admit that that creeps me out. I’m single ‘I have been a cam girl for a few years now and I
now, I do well getting love from my members haven’t still figured out how I can actually talk to
and fans, but I do think that I’ll need to get back a man in real life. LOL”
on the dating horse one day. Having someone
stalk me doesn’t help with that. Being a cam girl Love while you cam can be possible, for
is not just a job for me, I do believe in creating sure. But as for everything in life, you need to
virtual relationships with members but not real work for it, know who you are, love yourself
life ones. I have a massive crush on Justin (pun intended) and find the partner best suited
Bieber but I’d hate dating him in real life, I don’t for you that can understand and support you
want to ruin my fantasy of him.” without making your life harder.
Megan Kroft, WebStar of the Year says To quote the amazing Ru Paul, “If you can’t
“I tried having boyfriends but it all ended up love yourself, how the hell you gonna love
the same, it’s some kind of a pattern here. It someone else?”
started out good, they seemed to be ok with
12 PayOutMagazine