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same design on desktop monitors, empty fields The various points of “development” are
of containment and unpopulated real estate that anything from your own personal or company site
needs to hold the barest minimum of background points to where you go for the gym, where you
“busyness” that basically disappears as the shop, wherever the apps point you to.
viewport shrinks.
The point is that webiste building is becoming less
And shrink it does. People increasingly are and less important. Even the now-all-important
accessing the web on their phones and small, CMS programs like WOrdPress and Joomla are
undefinable web-enabled browser containers secondary, and provide these less-than-pretty
whose function it is to display content and not any templates for people to create sites that need little
essentially superfluous design. to no effort, where already the programs allowed
for simple, quick site construction.
This can be something of a watershed for online
content, of course. Your content better be damn But the websites themselves are secondary to
good to sell that subscription, raising the bar for what they will connect to, which is the remainder of
content quality across all competitors in any field,
the interconnected world, where apps increasingly
niche or market. All better for the consumer, as
skip over or are the only means to connect to a
things should be.
“web site” (when is the last time you typed a URL
into your phone?).
But it looks like we’re not on the verge of
discovering that prodigy, that Amadeus, Picasso
And even the CMS templates are big and
or Jimi Hendrix, who will take a medium and turn
cumbersome compared to the professionally-
it on its head, counter-convention the whole art
traded templates designers use, with less than no
from what it’s stagnated to, into something new,
content and everything you need to fit on the head
fresh and vibrant again.
of a pin.
But actually forget about that; officially, the past
Besides, the static web-page interface is dead
is dead, and the future is coming. There will be no
already; what is working for the user, a positive
second coming.
for the consumer, is the accumulated grouping of
associated services, apps, and overall, personally
Designers themselves are beginning to redefine
accepted “offers” from a variegated group of the
their role within the internet/interpersonal
best-advertised or “advanced” interfaces available.
People don’t surf anymore, they bounce, from
So, far from becoming obsolete, they have to
accepted and acceptable appropriately designed
redefine their role and how they tie the threads
interface adaptations - and most of them have
together between what they call “experience
no design; the designer now must be a spider
design” and the overall “ecosystem”.
weaving a web of associated “products” which the
In other words, the design is no longer of found user will circulate within to the best of their
a single web-face, arrival & landing, direct convenience and to the best of your ability as a
interaction between a page and user. It is between “designer” to make convenient for them.
the different points in that website’s, individual or
As an article in UX Magazine said recently, “Web
company, environment, from basic web page to
pages are just part of something much bigger:
social network to app.
mobile apps, APIís, social media presence, search
The day of the design has dawned, risen and engine optimization, customer service channels,
now faces its final dusk, and design as we know it and physical locations all inform the experience
is going going gone. a user has with a brand, product, or service.
Pretending that you can run a business or deliver
Now, a website is but a point, a connection, value just by taking care of the web channel is
between the different strands of a company or naÔve at best and harmful at worst.”
individual’s web presence or existence. Literally a
virtual intersection of the various strands of that What remains beyond this, only time and the
identity’s “web”. next chapter can reveal...
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