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Save the bold text that follows into your Your final .htaccess file should look like this,
.htaccess file; unemphasized text will be used to discretionary changes to my default information
explain each part, and should not be included. notwithstanding:
AuthUserFile /services/webpages/h/a/ AuthUserFile /services/webpages/h/a/
Please note that “” would AuthName “Please Log In”
AuthType Basic
instead be your top-level domain name. The two
individual letters before that are simply the first Require valid-user
two letters of your domain name. If your domain
name were “” instead, you Creating Your Password File
would use “d” and “u” instead of “h” and “a,” but
the format would remain the same. With your .htaccess file saved, you will now
need to create your .htpasswd file (remember to
.htpasswd is a standard name for the password use a different name, if you changed it from the
file that forms the second half of your password default in your .htaccess file). This file needs to
protection duality. You can call this file whatever be created within the directory that you specified
you like, so long as it is prefixed with a “.” and the in your .htaccess file. In the preceding example,
name is consistently represented. You will need that would be the /private directory, within your
to change every iteration of .htpasswd in each domain website directory.
step to whatever name you chose to use in its
Using a simple text editor, enter usernames and
place. This is entirely personal preference.
passwords into your .htpasswd file as follows,
AuthName “Please Log In” one per line:
The quoted text will appear to any user who JaCob:cZsIcTaSMwnZk
attempts to access your root directory. You
That which comes before the colon is the
can exercise a little personal discretion here,
username; what comes after it is the associated
and make the message whatever you’d like it
password for that specific username. Both are
to be, with “Please Log In” being a somewhat
unimaginative default.
Note the requisite password encryption; this
AuthType Basic
absolutely, positively must be incorporated.
Under most circumstances, this line should If you lack the specific expertise to generate
not be altered. Other authorization types require this encryption yourself, there are applications
separate instructions, and are not normally available online to assist you. http://www.
applicable. is a quick,
painless and easy-to-use encryption generator.
Require valid-user
Usernames should not be encrypted, only
This line is the kicker. Put simply, it’s an
passwords. The password that you would enter
added layer of security. It requires that anyone
into the encryption tool is the one you would use
attempting to access your password-protected
to access the directory. In the example provided,
directory have a username that is listed within
the actual password is «ExamplePass,» which you
your .htpasswd file. A cybercriminal would
should probably forego in favor of something a
require advance knowledge of authorized
little more discreet.
usernames, as well as the appropriate password
for that username. That›s it! Once you get the hang of this, it should
be a small matter to individually protect your
As with most situations involving “hacking,” other important directories, at your discretion.
more than 80% of all attempts are made with
To check and make sure that your password
inappropriately disclosed login information, protection is working properly, navigate directly
rather than specialized IT know-how. Using to your protected directory using your Web
this form of password protection can be helpful browser, and attempt to login.
in identifying the source of any inappropriately
leaked information. Jump to top
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