Page 31 - Payout Magazine 7.3! The Adult Industry at Your Fingertips! New Articles, Interviews and tradeshow Photos by MikeB!
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It has been said that clicks from people who   You could simply submit your articles to the   gallery, but you can also do it for sites and
        are not only able to read, but have read what   appropriate types of sites where such articles   programs to which you are an affiliate; or both!
        they’re clicking-to, are better clicks than those   are published and syndicated.
                                                                                       Remember,  you  can  combine  all  these  article
        from pics.
                                                                                       marketing techniques to take advantage of all
                                                 Whichever way you go, make sure there are
                                                                                       your material, fyour interests, and kinks.
         Which makes sense. Right away, people who   RSS feeds which will include your posted article.
        read are more educated and willing to go
                                                 While  RSS  are  a  whole  other  basket  of  fish,   Now all this preamble is just a really long way
        through the information you’re putting out to
                                                let’s just say the anagram is almost self-  to lead you to the following simple techniques
        know whether or not they want to go through
                                                explanatory;  it  stands  for  Really  Simple
        to your link.                                                                  or tricks.
         The fact they’re informed about where they’re
                                                 In  other  words,  it’s  a  simple  “feed”  which  YOU aRe NOT a BaD WRITeR
        going  means  automatically  they’re  qualified
                                                allows other sites to list and post the headlines
        surfers.                                                                         In  fact,  you  may  be  a  good  writer  (our  last
                                                and  first  sentence  or  paragraph  or  sub-
                                                headlines of all the articles included in them.  issue had a whole article about not-writers
         People who can’t be bothered to read or
                                                                                       writing  well);  what’s  important  is  that  your
        inform themselves will either get bored and
                                                 Sometimes these sites or portions of sites
        never click, or bounce from your destination                                   keywords  (the  subject  of  your  articles  and
                                                (sidebar, column, news section) are known as
        site once they get there, not having had any                                   posts) are included in your headline and first-
                                                aggregators. Some are manually collected and
        idea where they were going.                                                    sentence (boobs? feet? booty?) so they are
                                                collated, others are automated.
                                                                                       slipped into your RSS feed.
         It’s kinda like advertising with sex. People
                                                 Submitting to sites that accept your article
        will click the boobs, butts or legs they see,
                                                (remember, in our business we have to mind
        impulsively, but if they don’t get more of what                                WHaT aRe KeYWORDS?
                                                the  “NSFW”  and  “SFW”  nature  and  topics  of
        they clicked they will, once again, bounce away
                                                the material, or on the other end be careful to
        from your site.                                                                  Well, what do you like? What’s your blog,
                                                target our niche or keywords to the market),
                                                                                       your site, your gallery, what are your kinks and
                                                can be a little lazy, but it can be very rewarding
         So writing an article about what you like, what                               fetishes all about?
                                                - this is when you want to learn about statistics
        you would like, what you do or what you’re
                                                and checking visitor logs and where they came
        good at, and linking to your site all about the                                  Those are the keywords... Do you like big
                                                from... which is the subject of another article
        subject  you  expound  about  is  sure  to  attract                            boobs? Do you like them on a model with a
        people - via  search engines or  links to your
                                                                                       small waist, no butt, skinny legs? Do you have
        article from other sites - who are interested in   But when you post and publish on your own,
                                                                                       a  model  you  like?  Those  are  the  keywords:
        the same thin/s.                        what are you to do?
                                                                                       boobs, small, waist, skinny, buttless... the
         So give the SEs their kibble, and they will send   Well, you can always easily search for a “build   combinations are endless, certainly.
        you your nibbles - not necessarily sales, but   my own RSS feed” and find a place to submit
        lots of potential sales.                your own website/page so you can post a link   Don’t go after keywords and subjects about
                                                to the feed.                           something that doesn’t interest you or actually
         And don’t panic if it isn’t massive volumes of
                                                                                       turn  you  on,  If  you  can’t  “find”  the  right
        traffic... it’s the quality, the concentrate of pre-  To add to the “lazy” you can simply search for
                                                                                       keywords to describe the cottage-cheese effect
        qualified visitors you are after.       “submit RSS feed”, once you’ve made your own,
                                                                                       of morbid obesity on a BBW’s thighs, you won’t
                                                and submit that.
                                                                                       catch  on;  people  with  the  same  quirks  and
         It isn’t a complicated formula; you give, you
        get back.                                And remember you have to publically post   turn-ons will find each other...
                                                the link to your RSS feed, so spyders and bots
         Now there are all sorts of ways to market via   and such can sniff it and “aggregate” it to their   HOW MUCH DOeS IT COST?
        articles.                               collection.
                                                                                         Uh, again... nothing, but your time. After-
         You could start a site where you publish or   There are even places to submit your own
                                                                                       work time if you have a day-job. After school
        post all your articles.                 RSS feed - or, if you’re feeling generous, the
                                                                                       time? Any time.
                                                RSS feed of the site where you are published to
         You  could create  a  section  on  your  site or   make sure your piece gets out there.
        blog or gallery post with articles all about those                               Besides, doing it yourself, you learn a lot
        things you like.                         You  can do this  for your own  site, blog  or   more.

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