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is submit your URL. Use it and upload it; like saturation index and if your phrases or words
favicons, you don’t need to list it or put it in a turn up more than a couple percentage points
tag, just let it sit in your root, and the SE bots of overall page verbiage, it will tank your site.
will sniff it out.
It’s understandable you don’t want your
Look, you can’t be expected to “update” or personal/private information, from actual
in other words change a site and tour that has address to real name, to be publically available
good consistent conversions or sales... but in your registrar’s WHOIS listing for your site;
although search engines do “listen” to all those at the same time you don’t really want to be
clicks to your site over time, if the content “anonymous” or “private” and not publically
doesn’t refresh on some level, they will not listed.
return to re-index.
The number one reason is billing companies
So something, a section, a blog, a sidebar,
by way of the credit card companies; they
even a “latest updates” portion of a head/main don’t want any fly-by-night scammers who are
page should be hard-coded (not in a script or
unaccountable for their site actions.
frame or anything not phsycally on the page) and
regularly changed or freshened up - monthly
At the same time... you don’t need to be 100%
or at best weekly. It can or not coincide with truthful with that info, as long as it seems
content updates for your members section; it
“real”. Enough said here, we don’t want to get
could be just industry/fan/pornstar news...
in trouble...
anything is better than nothing, right?
Both for ease of use by your viewers and
If you think you can’t write, talk into a
potential clients, and for search engines as
microphone and just chill, record what you
well, use the “F” layout rule when it comes to
think or feel, and afterwards type it down, or
your content, links and images.
have it transcripted, either way have it written
down for your audience. Make sure your
The F-Rule is basically a layout rule analyzed
spelling ends up correct, but don’t worry about
in a study done in the mid-2000s describing
it if it’s your turn-on or fetish. You’ll find the
how readers (and search-engine spiders) scan/
right words, and better than some keyword-
read your page from top to bottom and left to
search software.
right, but in shorter and shorter cross-swipes.
Also, the text will come across as more
For obvious reasons, this should help you
natural and “friendly” to your surfer/searchers
determine the position of your most important
as well as to the search engines.
content, links and menu items, in order to
drive or “funnel” your visiting views to the all-
DON’T DROWN YOUR TeXT IN important action you need them to commit:
KeYWORDS: buy, or read on...
Rather, drown your keywords in text; but, Depending on the nature of your site of course
keep it all on-topic... this can be either to buy, join or proceed to an
advertiser or sponsor’s own action links.
Whatever you do don’t keep repeating your
“special” words or keywords in a variety of There you have it for this issue; there are
arrangements and sentences and phrases; many, many more little quibbles from the past
it will come out as awkward and “wrong” not we need to remind ourselves of, and, starting in
only to human readers but also to increasingly the next installment, more modern SEO details
sophisticated search-engine indexing we need to not forget in the oncoming future...
programs (think of Google translate and how
accurate that has become...) - they also have a Let’s save those for the future, shall we?
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