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submits to the big-traffc content-sharing sites and each as reliable as the other; webmasters a week; search engines index sites on a regular
for us - again with single clicks and keystrokes. on boards have favorite targets of their hate basis, and slow down the number of their visits
and complaints but for the most part they’re
if a blog is inactive for a certain period of time,
But at the same time, easier is not simpler. full of malarkey and just enjoy griping to feel
but then posts a furry, then stops again.
Being an affliate now has all gotten a heck of a important.
lot more complicated than it was.
If you post once, daily, and then put that link
But let’s say you don’t have a credit card and
up across your social network or various other
Whereas we used to have to direct traffc to for some reason aren’t able to get a pre-paid
sources that allow pics and links, that is enough
either picture galleries or video postings, or debit card that passes for a credit card whether
combo pages, with a video embedded in a page online or at your local corner store. to fll that chamber the spiders and bots crawl
of stills, either-or or both, now we have social through with more than echoes.
networks, and twitters, and combination blog & Let’s say. There is free hosting available, and
micro-blog, CPA networks and mobile devices all you have to do is fnd out if they accept adult
and apps... content and serving adult domains - or in the
case of a freehost, an adult sub-domain. It is imperative now also to have a template
Things have reached a level of depth simple
designed to ft in the palm of your hand or on
postings of new galleries and link-placements There are free adult-specifc hosts out there
those big panorama desktop monitors, so it’s
never could have led us to imagine... like and, but
time to throw out the classic blog design - of
who knows if they won’t end up like myadultsite.
And there’s really no “base” or starting point com or RatedXHate seems to content across two-thirds to three-quarters of
in this three-dimensional miasma of congruent have endured the longest, so if you must... your standard screen, with one-or-the-other
points of traffc and platforms and devices - vertical side-bar to place your skyscraper ads
pick one and move forward, backward, up or Wordpress does do “mature” sites, but you or thumbnails to other relevant content... all
down and diagonally - it’s an all-encompassing enjoy none of the benefts of a standard WP Free you end up with are endless slides or scrolls
spatial environment. Host, and they don’t want to host explicit pornl
of text followed by endless ads in between or
so “mature” means sex, no hardcore...
at the end of the sequence where no one goes.
So let’s pick blogs as a starting point; in a
way they have emerged as a bit of a mish- However a cheap hosting plan with GoDaddy
So get a template that expands or compresses
mash of elements from all the new traffc or NameCheap Domains gives you all the liberty
down to the width of the display, so your
crossing-points. They’re social and interactive, you need to go as full-on gonzo as you want.
pictorial/video content comes frst, followed
dynamically-expandable, theoretically
depthless, and by their very nature once poSTiNg by relevant search-engine text content, and
they have accrued a little traffc, it tends to then a space across the bottom of each post
compound itself with an uneven but inevitable Either way, the rules are the same. Post to place an ad - banners or again thumbnails,
organic pattern if left unchecked or with the teasers, link to galleries, and write text that is which people tend to click more than standard
fnesse of a Bonsai botanist if tended to meaningful to humans and bots, those programs “advertisements”, at any rate.
appropriately. that crawl websites looking for real content.
And don’t fool yourself, these programs have But this is just a starting point, right? It’s
So start blogging - the more you do, the more gotten smart enough to know the difference
the closest we’ve got nowadays to old-school
you get. well, actually that’s not as true as it between human writing and machine-writing,
traffc and affliate programs.
was; the more regular you are, the more you where relevant words and phrases are spun and
get is closer to the truth. fung together with no meaningful intent but
The real heck of the modern affliate comes at
used to fool the search engines.
the points around the source post - whatever it
This is no longer the case. Besides, the is, in this case the blog entry.
With the price of hosting and domains quantity of the content is no longer if it ever
Wait until we touch upon CPA Networks, apps,
nowadays, and the varieties of extensions was a measure of its quality. So a few sentences
social media and networking profles, a whole
available, it almost make no sense to go with about your midget-in-a-bunny-costume
free blog hosting and software services. hardcore gonzo is better than a thousand words orbiting ring of possible traffc points through
full meaning of spun consequence out (that was which to funnel your potential affliate profts.
Installing even “complicated” blog software a deliberate example of software-wonk text).
on one’s own server is a matter of minutes, and True heck awaits us in the next segments...
whether you go for the cheapest, mid-range or And the record tells us that a regular, steady
high-cost hosts, they’re all just about the same posting schedule is better than a hundred posts

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