Page 41 - index
P. 41
then sneaking them into their next algorythm USe alT TagS oN iMageS:
as one of the ranking factors! Shhh).
It doesn’t have to be a multiple-word phrase;
remember your alt tags will supplant the image
page TiTleS MaTTer: on some browsers; but a single or couple
descriptive words should fll the quotations
If you have a blog or affliate targetted gallery
after the alt= ... And it’s not enough just to
setup, make sure your
different and refective of the content on the be there, and if you must just leave the image/
page. Don’t use the site name or URL as the
fle number (ugh) or something as useless as
title of each page - or plant it at the end of
“pic” (ugh, in caps).
the individual page title, which will be the frst
thing the search engine spiders read. In fact, the whole design should consider
search engine optimization. That is, your site is
If you must have the sitename in your metas
the opposite of optimized if it is built on fash,
and listings, put it in the
within frame-sets, or all-images (that includes
- such as “MySite Presents the Enormous
built on all-graphics with “text” within) and
Chocolate Assets of ...” and so on...
again those very creative and uncrawlable
javascript sites.
Be regUlar:
TiTle iSN’T JUST For headerS
Like so many types of movements, regularity
is key to getting the most out of your regimen
Remember that moment when you realized
of content. In other words, update or post or
that anything you used the title tag with
share or whatever every day, every night, every
(images, divisions, tags, links, anything!)
hour, at the same time if you can, and make
generated a mouseover foating text of
it custom content, your own words/writing/
whatever you inserted?
descriptions - the fresher the better, and the
less copied the most optimal; copy-pasting
Still works. But relax - it can be annoying to
descriptions from your affliate/sponsor
always have something else to read wherever
program will just diminish your value to the
you rest your cursor. Using it in links, hrefs, is
search engines.
the best practice for titles; it’s not as obligatory
as alt tags are for images, but if those images
doN’T Be geNeriC: are linked, use the title in the href and not the
image itself.
Don’t make your link words and phrases “Click
Here” or “view the gallery” or “See More” and so
on be your click-to links. Use the keywords you leSS iS More:
are targetting and the content the clickers (and
When you link internally, to http://www.
spiders) will be accessing as your text-links. don’t; just use the /
Use the model’s names and attractive/niche
whatever; too many http calls is bad, it’s more
features. Rather than “Check out the NSFW
for a weary bot to read (it has millions of other
Preview”, write and link through “See [NAME]
sites and links to go to, you know) and can slow
roll those stockings down his perfect legs”...
your page load time if there are many such
relative links.
ForgeT The SiNgle wordS: And while we’re at it, your home/base/root
directory is the slash. Anywhere you need to
Don’t focus on “booty” when “big ass and link people back to your frst/welcome page, it
small boobs” will more accurately describe for is this: “/”. That’s it.
and lead surfers to your content. While many
people will type “booty” the frst time in their Speaking of less is more, we will here now
booty search, it is highly unlikely you or most drop the thread, and continue in our next
of your guru buddies will ring up on the frst installment... more argh remembrances.
page, and even if so, not for long. Stick to
descriptive keyword-phrases...
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