Page 43 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.02
P. 43
your site/s & “network” creation by following Think of Google and other search engines
certain rules... as good reporters, lawyers or criminal
If you’re going to create a network of
blogs and sites which link to each other for One of the most important elements when
whatever reason, it’s best for your credibility presenting a case or writing with journalistic
and your current and eventual links’ authority integrity is corroboration from (provably)
to have different hosting solutions for each independent sources.
part of that network. Or rather, different hosts.
Or different servers, even if they’re all at the If one person claims someone else
same host. said something, it’s just hearsay. If
three other people claim the same, that
What’s more important for SEO than becomes corroborating, though maybe still
having your own domain for your site or blog? circumstantial, evidence. But if an actual
recording can confirm what these witnesses
Having that domain on its own server. claim, it becomes incriminating. Or, better to
say, accurate reporting.
First come the host, then the domain, then
the site, then the blog, then the navigation And this what you want your linking to be
menu, then the category, then the tag, then - objectively and authoritatively confirmed
the link. by the validity of a source unrelated to the
suspect - er, subject - in question. Unrelated
At its most basic, this can be explained to you & your site.
with the A-B linking tactic, which may have
once worked for traffic trading and fooling our Stated simply, your site’s authority is
favorite search engines into giving sites kudos validated by the fact another site has linked to
for linking out, but we all know what became yours. You’re being used as a reference or a
of that. source of validation of that site’s own claim/s.
And if “we” don’t, let us just understand Of course then there’s the question of
that your two sites linking to each other is that and those sites’ own authority, but that’s
more or less the internet equivalent of a a matter for another article entirely, so let’s
reach-around. Actually, no; it’s just jerking off. ignore it for a the moment.
A reach-around would have more value.
So to sum up, if you have ideas and content
So A-B linking became subsumed to A-B-C that can justifiably hold up different sites and
linking, where B would be an interim, third- blogs independently and you want to jump-
party indirect bridge to A and C, assuming “B” start the whole SEO authority and link viability
is not registered or otherwise “owned” by the thing with The Google and the bots and the
same entity as A or C. various other Google wannabes, make sure all
those URLs are hosted separately, distinctly,
That is to say, if you registered those sites and individually.
one-two-three after the other, created the
links soon thereafter, and happen to have Oh, and registered separately, as well.
each of them on the same IP server, The That’s right. The domain registration/s count,
Google knows... here, too, so ensure you’re able to viably
use different names, addresses, and other
And that, as they say, was not all. Because contact infos for each or most of the domains.
of course if all three sites were sharing the No privacy-protected or corporate identities
same server at the same host, they became need apply. Be open. Be straightforward. Be
suspect, and so did all other sites with all that legit.
data in common.
On the face of things...