Page 40 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.02
P. 40

The Best
Way To

The sales process can be tricky. Overcoming          Determine Whether the Timing is                     product upfront, you can allow them to relax
     price objections is even trickier. You can      Wrong                                               and pay attention to your presentation.
have the most stellar pitch and get stuck at
the price conversation. Customers often fail             In many cases, customers object to your         Don’t Introduce Pricing Until the
to buy because of price, and understanding           pricing because the timing is wrong for them.       End
how to overcome common price objections is           They may have already committed all of the
the best way to close the sale every time.           funds in their budget to other projects, or they        Another opposite school of thought is that
                                                     may be at the end of their budget cycle. They       you should not mention price until the end of
Understand the Real Reason for                       may be just a few weeks away from starting          the interaction. This will allow you to present
the Objection                                        their next accounting year during which time        the customer with the entire demonstration of
                                                     they will be able to commit to your product         the product and how it will bring value to them.
    Some people object to a sales pitch              or service. In some cases, you may be able to       By saving the price for last, you will have the
because they have been taught that sales             offer financing that allows your consumer to        opportunity to sell them on the product and
people are trying to take something from             pay later in their budget cycle. While this may     allow them to visualize themselves using the
them, and it is there job to hang on tightly         not be ideal, it can help you to otherwise close    product before you bring up price. The general
to their money. When you ask about their             the sale.                                           thinking is that for products, it helps to present
budget, they balk because they have been                                                                 the price upfront, while for services, it’s best
taught that sales people are not on their side       Introduce Price Early on in the                     to save the pricing conversation for last.
and will try to talk them into buying something      Conversation
they can’t afford. Position yourself as less of                                                          Pitch to the Right Person
a sales person and more of an advisor who is             You’re giving the best pitch ever, selling the
working with them to get them what they need         value of your product and how it is going to            One of the best ways to avoid price
for success. Understand that many customers          work for your potential customer, and they’re       objections is to make sure you are pitching
are going into a sales presentation having           thinking one thing--”how much is this going         to the decision maker. This may not always
already decided they are going to reject your        to cost me?” At some point, they may be so          be possible, as you may have to work with
first offer. It’s up to you to be prepared for this  preoccupied with the price of the service or        a subordinate or an assistant first. However,
and be able to counter it.                           product that they are not even paying attention     when you have sold the subordinate, it is
                                                     to your pitch. By introducing the price of the

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