Page 41 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.02
P. 41

important to get the decision maker into the       product just saved your customer $5,800 a
equation as quickly as possible. Once you          year. By making your pricing concrete, you are
have thoroughly convinced the subordinate of       more likely to overcome pricing objections.
the value of your product, set up a meeting
with the decision maker in order to effectively    Offer a Free Trial
close the sale.
                                                       When all else fails, give away your product.
Know Your Competitor                               This allows your customer to try out your
                                                   product or service with no risk. Chances
    When your customer is ready to make            are they will love your product and want
a buying decision, they will have all of the       to continue to use it and pay for it. If you
facts they need at their disposal to make          are selling software, this is an especially
the right choice. This means that they will        successful strategy. Your customer will likely
have shopped your competitors before they          start filling in information and sharing logins
come to you. They will know the competitor’s       with assistants and subordinates, making it
pricing and value prospect, and will use that      less likely that they will cancel at the end of
in their negotiations with you. It is imperative   the trial. The more people that are using the
that you know your competitor’s product and        product, the more likely they will keep it and
pricing inside and out. You need to know what      pay what you are asking.
benefits they offer and how your product or
service is better.

    Be ready to tell your customer why the         Prepare in Advance
competitor’s product is not as good as yours.
Show features that your product has theirs             It is best to be prepared when entering
does not. If you don’t know your competitor,       your sales pitch. This means being prepared
you can’t answer any price objections that         for possible objections. Make a list of possible
may come up as a result.                           price objections and think about how you will
                                                   address them. This will help you avoid any
Know Your Customer’s Pain Points                   surprises and be prepared to counter those
    There are some elements of their business
that absolutely cause them “pain.” Maybe           Be Silent
their company is spending too much time on
administrative tasks that don’t bring in profits.      One of the most effective ways to
You can demonstrate how your product will          overcome pricing objections is to not object
assist them in relieving this “pain.” Perhaps      to them. When the customer says the price is
they have been losing a lot of money because       too high, simply say nothing. People are often
of a weak social media presence. Be prepared       uncomfortable with silence, and they will often
to show the customer how you can solve one         start talking to fill the silence. In talking, they
of their biggest challenges and you will be        will often talk themselves into buying. They
more likely to overcome price objections.          may begin asking more questions to get more
                                                   clarification on parts they don’t understand or
Demonstrate Price Value in                         they may start asking about payment plans.
Practical Terms                                    Either way, it’s best to let the customer lead
                                                   the conversation and circle back to their own
    Demonstrate your product or service’s          objection and solve it themselves. This tactic
value in practical terms in order to overcome      doesn’t always work, but it has been shown to
price objections. If your customer is spending     be effective in overcoming objections.
$25 an hour on an administrative assistant,
and it takes the assistant 10 hours to                 When it comes to closing the sale, it helps
complete a task, the customer is paying $250       to understand common objections and how
for that one task. If your product can perform     to overcome them. By understanding your
the same task for half the price, present the      competitor and your customer, you can close
price to the customer that way. If your product    more sales at any price point.
costs $200 and your customer is paying their
administrative assistant $500 a month, your

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