Page 38 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.02
P. 38

The Gay Market:

An Industry Within
An Industry?

by Alex Lecomte | 7 Veils Social Media               However, quite a few brands have                   It is also very interesting to note how last
Marketing                                        recognized over the years their gay                month, during the XBiz and AVN tradeshows,
                                                 customers were some of the most reliable           we could see how the gay male porn business
Our industry is evolving and changing very       and that they represented some of their            is resisting the clipsites tsunami.
       fast, but can we really say our group of  best long-term profits. To understand why it
professionals is open-minded?                    is relevant to pay more attention to the gay           While the adult industry is shifting, we
                                                 market, we need to analyze the consumption         even saw a new summit being created:
    A couple of years ago, it was very common    within a social context. First of all, gay men     the Str8upGayPorn Summit, based on the
to hear questions or comments during panels      are less frequently raising children which,        famous blog activities and award ceremony.
at the tradeshows about “the gay niche”. Many    logically, increases their power of acquisition    The summit, presented by the famous LGBT
smart marketers have, since then, updated        and therefore their capacity to spend money        ally clipstore ManyVids, offered some film
their speech and sales strategies.               on entertainment services. The situation is        projections, conferences and fan meetings,
                                                 changing thanks to the legalization of same-       and was an unqualified success. Celebrities
    We can probably say that, globally, the      sex unions, we can observe some changes            are also joining the cause and giving more
industry is now more inclusive and respectful    in this trend, but still, globally, gay consumers  visibility to the community; the award
toward gay male businesses than a decade         have a higher budget to spend online. It also      ceremony was hosted by the very famous
ago, but we can still note some surprising       appears that gay people, in general, seem to       Kathy Griffin.
points.                                          be more comfortable with their sexuality and
                                                 fantasies. This could partially explain why,           A couple of weeks after, AVN’s gay section,
    For example, for most of the numerous        they are more likely open to keep buying porn      Gayvn, held their own huge gay porn awards
webcam awards categories, we can find            even if they enter in a relationship, without any  event for its third year in a row, a super
a plenty of nominations for cis-female           “shame or moral” social stigma.                    production co-hosted by Alec Mapa and
performers, such as best Latina, Tattooed,                                                          Nicole Byer.
International, Fetish, Premium, Freemium, and        Another interesting fact about gay
Cosplay camgirl, etc...                          consumers is that because of the “Straight             In a nutshell, from a business point of
                                                 norm” society, one of the best ways to explore     view, we can see that even with a smaller
    The cis-guys, meanwhile, are very often      one’s gay sexuality is through anonymous,          amount of companies and in a context in
nominated for only one or two categories:        hidden or secret sources... aka the Internet.      which producers are wondering how they will
best male cam model and, eventually, best gay    Online, many gay men have found a real way         profit from their partnership with their models
cam couple.                                      to satisfy their impulses, without any shame       and (as an extension) their clips fanbase, the
                                                 or guilt.                                          gay male porn business is still strong and
    Would it mean there are more straight                                                           profitable.
and lesbian cis-women performers than cis-           Times are changing but online gay porn
men? Possibly. This would also explain why       has always been a safe space to enjoy their            Some networks like Say Uncle and
many companies are also putting all the traffic  desires and discover the wide variety of acts      ZBuckz are even launching new platforms
and the offers toward a global Gay market        and fetishes. This is partly because of the        and new brands, such as RawHole, proof gay
without offering any proper segmentation.        comforting relationship with digital media, and    consumers are not going to stop spending
The volumes of traffic are indeed very small     that gay men are also very welcoming when it       on porn. And the Industry segment is only
compared to straight porn, which means that      comes to legal gay porn consumption.               beginning to develop its full potential.
the gay market itself must be smaller.

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