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Improving your SEO
Ranking and Generating
a Better User Experience
f you’re reading this article, you’re likely Metrics That Provide Valuable Improving Website UX and SEO
Istruggling with SEO. Let me tell you right now Feedback For UX
that it is possible to rank well and generate a 1. Keep Site Navigation Simple and
good user experience simultaneously; plenty 1. Repeat Traffic Convenient
of companies are doing just that. Google has Repeat traffic shows the number of people As someone who spends a lot of time on
released more advanced SEO guidelines to who visit your site after their first time through the internet, I bet you’re annoyed by websites
accommodate smarter SEO practitioners and it. A high amount of repeat traffic is a good sign with poor navigation. Sometimes websites
the general public. Google heavily considers that your website is designed in such a way have such complicated navigation structures
the quality of the content you are producing on that it can be frustrating to get to the content.
your website. So, it would be best to make your that it makes users want to come back.
If your users are having trouble navigating
website as interesting and useful as possible.
To achieve high rankings, you need to focus 2. Bounce Rate your website, they will leave. If this happens
on the quality of your website more than the The bounce rate is how many people enter all the time, users will not even bother to look
quantity. your site and then leave within one visit. Your for your products or services. A website with
website isn’t very interesting or user-friendly a navigation map showing all the pages, a
How Do User Experience and SEO for most users if you have a high bounce rate. search bar, and an image map will make it
easier for users to find what they are looking
Relate to Each Other?
3. Organic CTR for. A simplification of this kind of navigation will
There is a heavy correlation between your make users more likely to stay on your website.
website’s user experience and its SEO ranking. Organic CTR or Click Through Rate is In addition, the website’s SEO ranking will also
Google strongly encourages you to make your how many people click a result from Google’s be higher.
user experience as positive as possible. Google search engine results page. If your organic
will give you a better ranking if your website CTR is high, you produce content that pops out 2. Use Long Tail Keywords in Content
provides all its users with a positive experience. to users and makes them want to click on it.
This means that Google wants users to not Long tail keywords are a type of keyword
only be able to find what they are looking 4. Healthy Backlinks Profile that is more specific as opposed to general.
for but also want to stay on your site. This is There are many long-tail keywords on Google,
especially true if your website is commercial. This is one of the best indicators that other and not all have high competition. Therefore,
If you’re making money from advertisements websites recognize your website as high using long-tail keywords in your content is very
or other methods, this may mean that your value. Many other websites have decided to beneficial. If you are using a long tail keyword,
content must be interesting enough to keep link to your site if you have a high number of visitors will be able to find you faster and crawl
users on your site for an extended period. backlinks. more pages.