Page 40 - Pom-Volume-13-1
P. 40
What is the Difference
Between 301 & 302 Redirect?
can trace many problems move to a new page that has taken the place testing, this is not helpful. It’s appropriate to
ONE for a website back to the of the previous one. use a 301 when:
common practice of webmasters using 302
redirects instead of safer 301 redirects. Both The redirect usually aids in changing the If you see any broken links, please let me
choices may provide the same results for the page’s URL when it appears in search engine know so I can redirect them to the appropriate
user’s search, making their search experience results. Especially if you’ve invested time location. Case in point: the union of two
equivalent. and money into developing your website or websites or web pages that are permanently
opening an online shop, you should closely moving together.
There is a noticeable difference in how monitor how this development affects your
search engines treat 301 and 302 redirects, site’s performance. People can access your website via
with the latter indicating a permanent several different URLs. Choose one URL to
transition and the former a temporary one. A 301 redirect is analogous to the Postal be canonical and preferred, then use 301
Maybe your site needs to figure out whether Service’s “Change of Address” form that you redirects to send visitors to either the old URL
someone accidentally used one. might submit after relocating. Just as your or the new one.
mail moves to your new address, so is web
The improper redirect can result in a drop traffic redirected from your old URL to your You’ve decided to switch domain names
in visitors to that page or many others on your new one. and hope visitors won’t notice any difference
site. Learn when to use a 301 redirect and between your old and new sites. You’re in the
when to use a 302 redirect, and stick to best You may rest assured that your years of middle of switching from the HTTP protocol to
practices to boost your website’s SEO. labor in elevating your former site’s position the HTTPS protocol.
in search engine results will not go to waste
What is a 301 Redirect? (SERPs). The previous URL’s SEO juice and When you use a 301 redirect, the old page
link equity move over to the new one. is no longer there, and the new one appears in
Whenever a page moves permanently, search engine results. It is the correct action
the status code 301 is used to notify visitors When Should You Use 301 to take when you anticipate the URL will
and search engines of the change and lead Redirect? redirect to the new page for at least a year.
them to the new location. When one utilizes a
301 redirect, the page’s content permanently A 301 redirect is an irreversible route With a redirect of this type, nearly all of
relocates. Once the user clicks the link, they change. For short-term alterations or A/B a page’s link juice moves to its replacement.