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When a page’s content has been permanently Google has to guess whether or not the user a 404 page or another error message, it
moved elsewhere and will never again be webmaster intended to utilize a 301 redirect. will simply send them to the unique URL.
accessible at its previous URL, one must use
301 redirects. Google tries to make these choices It improves the user experience. However,
because it’s committed to making its search a 301 redirect is usually preferable.
What is a 302 Redirect? engine better for its users. Google is also
aware that webmasters will sometimes utilize How Can You Improve Your SEO With 301
While a 301 redirect will permanently a 302 redirect when a 301 redirect would
update your URL to the new destination, a have been better. This tactic can lead to and 302 Redirects?
302 redirect will only temporarily send users several problems, including a drop in search
and search engines to the old URL until the engine rankings, the old URL continuing to be How will utilizing 301 and 302 affect your
redirect is no longer there. This redirection indexed, and a split in link authority between “link juice?” Using 301 redirects does not
could be displayed as a “302 Found” (HTTP the old and new addresses. result in a decrease in link authority. Some say
1.1) error or as a “302 Temporarily Moved” that a 301 redirect can reduce the amount of
message (HTTP 1.0). Through split testing, one can use 302 “link juice” by 15%.
redirections when testing two versions of a
Instead of the webmaster accessing server website’s design or functionality. You can do A 302 redirect prevents any Page Rank,
files and spending extra time creating a 301 a soft launch of your website to determine Page Authority, or Traffic Value loss. Misusing
redirect, they can make a 302 redirect with a which version is more popular or delivers a
simple meta tag or some JavaScript. better user experience. One can gather client a 302 redirect can lead to user confusion
and user input on the new page using a 302 and lower rankings in search engines. To
Problems arise when search engines try redirect, which will not negatively affect the what URL should I reroute? There’s a specific
to identify which page is more valuable, and site’s SEO. function for every 301 redirects.
you’ve used a 302 redirect when you should
have used a 301 redirect. As a result, the Explaining Numerals 301 and 302 Search engines recognize 301 redirects as
erroneous page may be included in the search permanent redirects.
engine results if the search engine only lists The numbers after each 301 redirect
a one-page version. As you can redirect more indicate the corresponding HTTP status code. While the more permanent 301 redirects
sites from older ones, the original problem will The first digit of each HTTP status code in are preferred, the more accessible 302
grow. the official registry specifies which of the five
response types it fits. Any code that begins redirect instances are to construct, and many
When should a 302 Redirect be with a 3 is a redirect code. people make the mistake of using them for
Used? permanent changes.
What’s the Big Deal About the
A 302 redirect is sometimes preferable, Response Code? In Conclusion
even though it does not propagate SEO. While
it’s not very frequent to need to temporarily re- The “link juice” from your links depends on If a webmaster accidentally uses a 302
host a webpage, there are occasions when it the code—the lovely word for the reputation redirect when they meant to use a 301, they
makes sense to do so. Such a scenario could in search engines that you have established won’t be penalized by Google. If Google
arise in online shopping, for instance. for a particular URL. A 301 redirect is essential
when informing search engine spiders of a determines that a 301 is essential, they
If you have an item that is no longer for site or page relocation. Therefore, the “status” will handle the redirect similarly. Instead
sale because it is out of season or supply, you of your reroute is crucial, lest you lose this of guessing and hoping Google solves it,
may create a 302 redirect and send it to the “link juice” and must effectively start over. You it’s much simpler if you make the correct
relevant category page. Given that customers may also be competing with your previous distinction.
can’t order the item right now, it is reasonable page at the same time.
to present them with readily available Although there’s no assurance that Google
alternatives. When a URL is correct, all the traffic and will assign the correct value, you can ensure
rankings associated with the old page are
that your redirect is appropriately handled
A 301 redirect causes a Google aging transferred to the new page while the old URL
delay (more on this in a minute), so remains unchanged. When you use a 302 (often with a 301-status code). Keep it in mind.
webmasters may prefer a 302 redirect redirect, none of your domain authority moves It’s 301 for a permanent redirect and 302 for a
instead. A problem arises, though, when to the new address. Instead of showing the temporary one.