Page 36 - Pom-Volume-13-1
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have added your site to other programs, you 2. Meta Tag It allows you control over where the search
will only be asked to do this. engine bots can crawl on your site. The
The meta tag is another way to verify robots.txt file should be updated at least once
If you haven’t added your site to other that your site has been imported correctly. a year to ensure the search engine bots can’t
programs, then it might take a few minutes for However, this method requires that you know get to certain areas of your site.
Bing to add your site to the program. The sites the name of your site’s homepage. To use this
method, you will need to go to the top level
include in the program are your main site and 3. Perform A Site Scan
of your site and add a meta tag for the home
all of your other subdomains.
If you haven’t already, you should perform
Step 3: Add A Sitemap This will then tell Bing where to find your a site scan to check for any broken links. This
sitemap file. You can then verify that Bing has will help ensure that your site is fixed and will
The next step is to add a sitemap to your be indexed by Bing. A site scan will tell you
indexed your site by using a tool such as the
site. A sitemap is a list of all the pages on your what’s crawled on your site and if there are
XML Sitemap Generator to generate an XML
site indexed by search engines. This will make
file of your site. any issues with it.
it easier for search engine crawlers to index
your pages. 3. CNAME Record 4. Spot-Check Urls
Click the Add Sitemap link on the page. You can also use a CNAME record to verify You should also perform a spot-check on
You will be asked to enter one or more URLs that your site has been imported correctly. To your URLs. You can use the Bing Webmaster
for your sitemap(s). Enter the URL(s) into use this method, you will need to go to the top Tools to check all of your URLs. You can spot-
the panel and click the Search button at the level of your site and add a CNAME record for check a URL by clicking on it and then clicking
bottom when you enter them. the top-level domain. The DNS records are the “Check” link at the top of the page. This
taken care of by your DNS provider.
will give you an error message if there are any
Step 4: Verify Your Site Now, you can use a tool such as the XML issues with that URL.
After you have added the sitemap to your Sitemap Generator to generate an XML file 5. Microsoft Clarity
for your site. This file can then be uploaded to
site, you will be asked to verify your site. If you
your site. You will then be able to verify that
do not verify your site, Bing will not include Microsoft Clarity is a tool that allows you
Bing has indexed your site using a tool such
it in their program, and Google and other to identify and fix duplicate content. It will
as the XML Sitemap Generator to generate an
search engines will index it. This can result in also tell you if there are any broken links on
XML file of your site.
decreased traffic for your site. your site. This tool is available in the Bing
Webmaster Tools. You can run the Microsoft
Other Things To Do
Using several different methods, you can Clarity tool from within the Bing Webmaster
ensure that your site has been imported There are other things to consider when Tools or from a URL of your site.
correctly. These methods include: preparing your site for indexing by Bing. The
following are some of them: 6. Installing The Bing Webmaster Tools
1. XML File Plugin
1. Fill Out Your Profile
This is the most accurate way to verify To install the Bing Webmaster Tools plugin,
your site. You can use a tool such as the XML If you still need to, complete your Bing you must go to the “Tools” tab in your account
Sitemap Generator to generate an XML file for profile page. This will allow Bing to get to settings. The Bing Webmaster Tools plugin is
know your site better and provide a better
your site. Bing can then use this file to verify available for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft
experience for users. The profile page asks for
that your site has been imported correctly. Edge. If you do not have a browser on your
your name, phone number, country, and email.
site, you should use a browser that can
It is recommended that you use this
2. Test Your Robots.Txt File support the Bing Webmaster Tools plugin.
method if you are having problems with
your site being indexed by Bing. It requires The robots.txt file is a file that tells the Start Using Bing
downloading the XML file and then uploading search engine bots where they can’t go on
it to a server that is accessible by Bing. Using your site. The robots.txt file should be placed Once you have installed the Bing
FTP, upload the file to the top level of your site. in the root of your site. Webmaster Tools plugin, you can start using it.