Page 47 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.6
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apps using PHP scripts that can be interpreted which helps encourage readers to stick around Do You Need a Degree to Become a
on servers with PHP installed. longer and take in your message. Webmaster?
However, there are also many computer � It Should be Equally Balanced You do not have to attend any type of formal
programming technologies with numerous web The site’s pages should also contain the right training to become a webmaster; however,
frameworks written in them that are easier to as we saw, you will need proficiency in many
read and write; therefore, many webmasters balance of content and blank space so that it web-based skills, such as layout and web
simply opt for one of those instead. does not appear too cluttered, which can deter design, programming, internet security, content
visitors. This means large blocks of texts should development, and more, in order to be an effective
3. Knowledge of Database Technology be kept at a minimum. webmaster.
Web applications also have a storage tier, The texts also need to be relevant and provide Therefore, the skills and knowledge acquired
which is used to store various data, such as value to readers in order to increase the site from a two-year college degree in Applied
contact and credit card information. rankings and attract more readers to the site. Science in Computer Science or a technical
certificate can be useful, especially if you plan
There are various database technologies to � Copyright Your Work to work for a company who typically requires a
choose from when it comes to storing data in Lastly, as the web designer, don’t forget to higher level of skills, talent, and expertise to suit
web applications; however, no matter which you their complex needs.
choose, you still need to be sure you understand add a copyright notice or at least your name and
the fundamentals of your chosen technology in contact details so that people know that it is your On the other hand, even if you choose to
case it encounters any issues, you will be able to work. simply work on your own as a self-employed
repair it. master of the web, or you just want to develop your
5. Knowledge of Website Hosting skills as a webmaster to build your own effective
Some popular database technologies include website for sharing a skill or hobby, to promote a
MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Once the website is complete, the next step is cause or charity, or just promote yourself or your
to publish it on the internet so that it can be seen career, and more, even just acquiring a technical
4. Knowledge of Good Web Design by other viewers, in which case, you will need to certificate can only help you become better.
find a service to host your site.
� The Site Should Look Good Whether you choose to earn a college degree,
A good site will look good on any device or As a webmaster, you don’t need your own web a technical certificate, or just simply teach
server to host your websites. In fact, there are yourself webmaster skills, you should be sure to
browser being used, no matter if the user has the many web hosting services, some of which are practice the various methods in order to become
latest plug-ins, the latest browser, or the latest free, that will host your website for you. more familiar with the details of both constructing
computer, which in turn makes visitors want to and maintaining a web site, including testing and
stay on the site. However, if you plan to promote a business repairing broken links, updating site content, and
or sell products using the website, then you more, to ensure you are well-prepared for any
� It Should Have Effective Titles may consider using a commercial web hosting technical issues that may arise.
An effective website also contains a good title service, which offers many advantages over basic
web hosting services, such as large bandwidths, In fact, the more you practice webmaster
on each page that enables the page to be found unlimited number of visitors, CGI programming, skills, the easier it will become to build websites
by search engines, which helps increase the your own domain name, and more. Commercial and handle more complex issues concerning
website’s ranking. The titles also alert visitors as web hosting services also charge a fee for their maintaining and repairing them, which will help
to what’s to come and entices them to click on services, but remember, you get what you pay for. keep you in demand should you choose to master
the site, which helps increase web traffic. websites as a career.
6. Knowledge of Website Promotion
� It Should be Easy to Navigate Conclusion
A good website is also fairly simple to navigate, Simply finding a place to store, or host,
the website isn’t enough. You will also need to In the end, your reason for learning webmaster
which means users are able to access hyperlinks promote it in order to generate traffic. Therefore, skills may vary, but the basic skills and principles
and various pages within your site with ease, you will also need a knowledge of website of becoming a webmaster are still the same.
which helps keep them on the site longer and promotional strategies, such as social media In fact, as you can see, there are many levels
encourages them to take action. The graphics marketing, search engine listings, website SEO, to becoming a successful webmaster, so be
should also be compatible with a wide range of reciprocal linking, and more to help increase the sure to both understand and practice each skill
users so everyone feels welcome. website’s chances of success. as much as possible in order to become a real
master of websites, which is sure to benefit you
� It Should Have a Good Style when building your own site or when building and
The chosen style of the site, including the managing websites for a profit.
color, also helps make it more attractive to visitors.
Therefore, the background and font color should
be designed so that they complement the texts,
PayOutMagazine 47