Page 52 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.9
P. 52

Where To Be On

                                               Social Media

        By Lauren MacEwen                    say, there is only so much information we can   you will not only be less likely to post at the
                                             absorb.                              necessary frequency, but you won’t do it well.
           his past summer has been fairly stressful
        ton social media. From all the politics, to the   The increase in size of social media has   Hire people who are better than you.
        bullying, and let’s not forget the Twitter follower   resulted in the popularity of multiple social
        purge.  Social  media  is  becoming  culturally   channels. People now have more control over   If you don’t know how to do something, hire
        more powerful and therefore more challenging.   how they want to absorb their information.   someone to do it for you. As a small business
                                             Twitter is more conversational and has a lot of   owner, I wanted to do everything myself. I
           If you travel back in time to even five years   back and forth. Instagram is all about the visual   would say things like, “I need to manage costs”
        ago, only half the world was on Facebook   with posting photos. Facebook has become   or “I need to know how to do this.” The truth is,
        and even fewer on Twitter. You would think   a  beacon  of memes  and political  arguments.   you cannot do everything all the time. Spend
        that  it  would  have  been  harder  to  get  traffic   Reddit is the hub of conspiracy and quality   your time doing what you are good at, and hire
        from social media, but it wasn’t. If you look at   article sharing. And Snapchat is the best place   other  people  to  fill  in  the  gaps.  Your  time  is
        social media a pipeline of information, as we                             better spent doing what will make you money.
        keep  putting  in  more  people  into  that  pipe   to be goofy or share nudes. All of the different
        and they keep putting out more information,   networks puts a lot of pressure on companies   You  don’t  have  to  be  on  ALL  the
        instead of all of us receiving more information,   to be everywhere all the time. So how do you   networks
        we become too crowded. We can’t see all the   manage it?
        information out there. We can’t reach all the                               With all the social networks out there, it
        people. In fact, because the pipe is so crowded,   Know  what  you  are  good  at  and   seems like you need to have your business
        we can no longer move back and forth in it to   what you are not.         on all of them. You don’t. Put your brand
        different spots. We are packed in so tight that                           on the social networks that make sense for
        we can only stay in our one little spot. Social   If  you  know  that  you  are  good  at doing   your  brand,  which  may  be  different  than  the
        media has been able to increase the number of   Facebook but not Twitter, than focus your   networks your are comfortable managing. For
        people in the pipeline, but they have not been   effort on Facebook. If you try to do a network   instance, you may be great at Facebook, and
        able to increase the size of the pipe. That is to   that is not easy for you, or you don’t like,   maybe you ran a great business page for a

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