Page 15 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.6
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clothing. This means that the people you do successful landing page is the freebie – what
attract will be more likely to click on your ad. will they get by taking the next action? This
could be a discount code, free shipping or a
optimize your ad to improve your complimentary digital download.
Quality score.
test a small ad for your first time.
Google gives businesses a Quality Score
that’s based on a 1 to 10 scale. The score your If you’re new to search marketing, it’s best
business has is a reflection of how customers to start small. The first campaign you design
experience your ad. The higher the score, the is going to be imperfect, and it’s smarter to
higher it will be placed in search result, and spend less the first time around while you’re
the lower you’ll pay for cost-per-click. still tweaking your strategy. You’ll learn what’s
working well and what areas you need to
A lot of information goes into determining improve. Pick an audience to target, carefully
the Quality Score, but device experience is choose a few keywords, and see what
a major component of it. Making sure that results you get. Remember, this is a learning
customers can experience your content on experience ¬– if you don’t get a ton of clicks
all devices, including mobile, can improve your or conversions, it’s all information you can use
Quality Score. to guide your future campaigns.
Another thing that impacts your Quality use language that encourages
Score? How relevant your landing page is people to click.
to the copy you have in the ad. Customers
want to click an ad and find exactly what Think about what it is your audience really
they’re looking for. If your landing page is a wants. For the most part, audiences want to
lot different from your ad, your Quality Score know how you can help them, and they’re
won’t be as high as possible. not super concerned with how you do it. For
example, a person who needs a dog trainer
Connect with customers via mobile. for their pet doesn’t care about the strategies
you use to train dogs; they care that you’ll
It’s pretty standard these days to have a get their dog to stop barking all night long or
website that’s optimized for a mobile device. chewing up the furniture. Focus your ad copy
You also need to make it easy for customers on the results that strike an emotional chord
to contact you via mobile. Two options are to with your customers. If someone wants to
have a click-to-call feature for people who learn more, they’ll ask.
want to speak to you directly or a chat that
people can use right through their phone. track analytics and regularly
Whatever type of communication you choose manage your ads.
for mobile, make sure it works well and is easy
to use. Having an easy way for customers Search marketing isn’t something you want
to contact you means they’ll have a positive to setup and then forget about. You should be
experience with your ad and landing page, monitoring your ads so that you’re getting as
which will improve your Quality Score. much as possible out of them. Check their
performance, adjust your budget and change
Create a relevant landing page that the copy as needed. If you don’t carefully
will convert. manage your ads, you’ll end up wasting a lot
of money.
Once your customers click through your
ad to your landing page, your job is to get Search marketing is a great chance for
them to actually convert. You can do this by your business to expand its reach, promote
creating an appealing, relevant, fast-loading what you offer and get more sales. The
landing page. You also have to make sure point of search marketing is to improve your
there’s a clear call-to-action so that people conversion rate. When an ad is put together
know what you want them to do next and thoughtfully and correctly, it’s possible it’ll
how to do it. Of course, the cornerstone of a serve your business well.
PayOutMagazine 15