Page 19 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.6
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real life business contacts, find new ways to business page, you can publish on your own
promote your page. Put a link to it in your email profile, which will still improve your brand’s
signature; add a CTA to your newsletters; and presence.
mention your page in your blog posts.
share curated content daily.
ask for recommendations and
endorsements. One of the best way to stay engaged on
LinkedIn is to publish at least once a day
If you have clients or customers who during the week. You don’t always have to
you’ve connected with on LinkedIn, ask them share your own content, especially if you don’t
to write an endorsement. The more positive have a content strategy for your business
reviews your business has, the more new yet. Instead, share curated links from other
customers will trust you. Social proof has websites that your audience will find valuable.
a lot of influence over whether or not new
customers will feel comfortable enough to Post about the projects you’re
give your brand a try.
working on.
Join groups or create your own. While you don’t want to make every single
post to LinkedIn about you and your business
The point of LinkedIn is to connect with ¬– you want most things to appeal specifically
others and to attract people to your profile or to your audience ¬– it is a good idea to share
page. One of the best ways to network is by some information about your latest project.
joining LinkedIn groups. These engaged niche You never know what’s going to attract new
communities can help you connect with others connections, and you may find a mentor or a
who share your interests. When participating partner simply by talking about what you’re
in groups, make sure to always offer valuable working on.
information; don’t use the group as a soapbox
for promoting your business.
Post different types of media.
You may also want to create a group Even if a lot of your followers like to read
that you invite others to. This is a good idea long-form articles, you’ll want to mix up the
because you can sort of guide the topics that type of content you post to keep everyone
people talk about and you can manage who interested. Share photos, YouTube video
joins. links, and SlideShare presentations. Even if
what you’re sharing is essentially a text-only
send thoughtful direct messages. article, add a photo to the link to increase
If you have something you want to talk
about, send a direct message. Maybe you sponsor your popular content.
have a question for a professional, want to
deal with a customer issue one-on-one, or When you share a post to LinkedIn that
have some in-depth advice to offer. When seems to get a lot of attention, consider
direct messaging, make sure you have a point sponsoring it with LinkedIn’s native advertising
beyond a basic introduction or a push to get campaigns. Just make sure that the post lines
someone to buy. People can see through cut- up with your business and marketing goals.
and-paste messages, and you could alienate You can set your audience to reach the right
your audience if start sending those types of people, which means you won’t waste your ad
messages. budget. With Direct Sponsored Content, you
can play with different types of messaging to
Publish your own articles on see which one has the most impact.
LinkedIn can be used to reach all sorts of
LinkedIn has its own publishing platform business goals, whether you want to increase
that you can share your own content on. This brand awareness, connect with potential
is a great way to showcase your expertise partners or generate leads. Try out a few
and provide content that will truly help different tactics to see which ones work best
others. While you can’t publish on your actual for your business.
PayOutMagazine 19