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hashtags and topical or meme-fuenced uses of A warning, though: it will be costly. Firstly,
“porn” now, such as food-porn, car-porn, etc. In because you want it. Secondly, because you
fact it’s surprising nobody has registered “food. don’t have it and it’s good enough to have
porn” yet. pinged your imagination.

„ .sex
pricked up your ears, shall we
This one is somewhat doubtful. Nowhere near say.
as potent as .xxx, or as explicit as .porn, it’s
almost clinical and seems like it could be used The frst thing you should do before you buy
in a dialectic way. It’s is some research on the domain. For example,
almost like a .edu extension. how long has it been dormant? Has it ever been
active - in other words, has a site ever been built
„ .adult
under it or is it “pure”? If it’s a virgin domain,
Well ok this is a more socially acceptable, has it been parked for proft, showing up in
mature, dare-I-say-adult way of saying porn or key-word searches in those annoying pages you
triple-x or nookie or what have you. Somehow come across that are non-sites, simply lists of
though it doesn’t sound like it would be much URLs which redirect surfers to proper domains
fun, unless it was used in a more scholarly in the same sphere or realm of interest?
manner. Such as:, production.
adult, If it has been active or used as a parked URL,
does it have any traffc, vestigial or current?
The following aren’t new, but they are or have (This of course can jack the price.)
become relevant:
And if it was active was it ever penalized by the
„ .sexy Google? Or by forums and TGP listing software?
(For example, because of a very bad site in the
Now this is an interesting choice. If you’re
past, the words “livesex” were censured on
into the whole non-nude niche in the “adult”
innumerable boards and TGP directories; on
industry, or just into lingerie or people in
uniforms or... anything sexy, really. See .porn, for example, those seven letters
in a way, though obviously not as drooly; it’s always appeared as *******.)
easy to imagine that a would be a lot
Finally, as a matter of conjecture, let’s get into
classier and higher-end than, if you
the idea of creating a combo of sub, main and
TLD extension for a site. Suppose you have a
Then of course there’s the not-so-new .tv; domain called You have two gay
many sites since the explosion of interactive cam subdomains, such as, women.
and video entertainment, both mainstream and, and... the sub-domain list could
adult, have started using the .tv extension, which be theoretically endless. This could then be
is by no means a bad idea for something that is extended (heh) to various combinations, such
technically the next step in television or video as linking to a network of (one men,
related entertainment. Actually and “technically” one women), (ditto), and so on; the
it is the country-TLD for a tiny Polynesian Island permutations are as limited as your budget...
Nation in the middle of nowhere called Tuvalu;
they don’t mind you using it since they make Like building blocks for children, you can play
millions from royalties that help pay for their with them and use them all you want and have
roads and street lights (really!). fun with them. As long as they stand up on their
own, they’ll sell your thoughts to like-minded
If you, your brainstrust, the entire inter-offce searchers, who will know one when they see
league softball team fnally in the end couldn’t
come up with a good name, maybe you can fnd
some parked or squatted domain and put down And probably sell well...
an offer on it - or ask how much is being asked
for it.

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