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Porn Traffic:

A Possible

cquiring quality traffc (because sometimes it is gotten, sometimes It can be great if it converts, and just garbage if it all it eats is bandwidth
Ait is boughten) has driven wedges and dirty words between and downloads your free samples, like a bad roommate.
webmasters and other internet behind-the-porn denizens for as long as
it has been sought. It can be a good investment if there’s an actual ROI, but a total ripoff if
it’s untargetted Chinese ED surfers.
Good traffc, that is, traffc that flls your bank accounts and the bellies
of hungry third-world children with your donations and fnances your We swear by one source, wanting to feel a savior, and refer a company
next shoot or dirty images purchase. And more traffc, because it is
to a friend, who can come to resent us because it was a complete wash
quality traffc, right? But no. That would be fair.
for them. And, come to think of it, wasn’t so hot for us either... it’s just
that it was such a thrill to see that little needle poke it’s cute pointy head
It’s just not and our traffc converts at such a low rate compared to
up out of the fatline of no-sale last Thursday!
mainstream, you’d think our users are surfng and jerking to Victoria’s
So instead of banging our sites with tens of thousands of hits from
a single source, we decide to run tests, of this sworn-upon source or
It is perhaps understandable... seeing as porn is often a luxury expense,
from that indubitably converting members-area crusade from the same
an impulse purchase, not really as important as a new schoolbag for your
son or batteries for the emergency fashlights during hurricane season. niche.
But still, for some of us it pays for those things, and we go a little nuts We switch sources too soon too often to let any single batch of drive-by
with getting and testing and complaining about this or that source of viewers become drive-in comers, rolling the tests because SOME source
traffc. of incoming waves have got to fnd a beach sometime.

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