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That means going through the verifcation means you have to mix up some other content
(email), fnding blogs in your niches and with yours, just to make it all seem kosher.
interests and following them, posting a little,
sharing a couple posts (both those mean Also, unless you automate posting and
images, since Tumblr is very visually-driven, Tumblr account creation and so on, it’s best
though you can post texts so long everyone to be promoting multiple affliate programs
will stop following you) and basically being or multiple sites from a few programs when
interactive, social, engaging the system on its you’re “sharing” on Tumblr. Just being steady,
own terms. It probably won’t be instant, but if stable, consistent and a regular contributor can
you do these things once or twice a day, you’ll get you similar click-throughs to your intended
notice the uptick in activity (people share, targets - er, sites.
reply, reblog and like a lot on Tumblrj - these
are reported as “notes” on posts). But it’s not all giving. You can take too, and
in fact it’s a good way to gather your own fock
Oh and don’t forget to do what spambots of followers. The trick is to check the “notes” in
(human or automated) usually won’t do: the lower left of Tumblr posts you fnd.
customize. Tumblr offers lots of options for
users to individualize their Tumblrs, from Use words from the niche/s you’re promoting
upoadable image headers and profle avatars to search Tumblr and fnd similarly tagged
to colors and fonts and background changes. reblogs, posts, etc. Click the “notes” on each
one to fnd others with similar likes (the
Now, part of the secret to the Tumblr sauce lists can be huuuge), and follow them when
is tags. If you use something that is vague or they’re appropriate; out of this number, many
general or uncommon, then make sure you use will follow back. In fact, unless you’re really
it on every post, creating a thread of “your” inconsistent, you’ll fnd that not too many
tag/s. But remember the tags act like keywords people unfollow you and you end up only with
also, so if your image is of whatever body an increasing list.
type, or “adult” then tag it so, and when you
“reblog” you can also add a tag. One game to And although the sharing and the liking and
play (not too often) is to post a pic of someone so on are all very important, the thing Tumblr
you know (or don’t for real) from a movie or a wants most is content - in other words, for you
porn gallery, and ask who this or that is... and to add stuff.
you will be rewarded with another tag/keyword
without having had to do it yourself. Of course before posting this or that pic,
you should do a search frst to see if someone
So you basically want people to like, follow else has already done so. It kinda defeats the
and then share your stuff; theoretically this re- purpose if you’re not unique or somehow
occurs exponentially and you develop a decent, “special”. If your affliate program has ten new
regular, and steadily expanding audience. galleries or videos of a particular model, go
check Freeones, for example, and see which
Before people come to you, though, you ones are posted there frst - not all ten will be,
have to go to them. Not directly, of course; say, so whichever isn’t would be the one you
the account/post/content you share will not post to your Tumblr.
necessarily return the favor, but those who
spot what you like might, and so it begins... Also, on the subject of affliates, it might be
best to link to galleries you build yourself on
You never really get to “advertise” directly your own site, domain or blog, to avoid affliate
on Tumblr; though some do it, like Payout codes in your links on Tumblr; leave those on
Magazine has a Tumblr account, mostly it’s your own domain or galleries.
real people with real likings, or apparently so.
Or massive sites like who have a And that’s about it. In fact the trick to getting
lot of content to spread around, which Tumblr traffc and making money via Tumblr is not
likes as well, it seems. trick at all; just use it the way it was meant to
be used, but with more focus and deliberation
Unlike Facebook and Twitter, though, in your “liking” of things.
personal or professional accounts don’t have
an adjacent “company” page on TUmblr. Which

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