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You’re Not Microsoft, Mcdonald’s, Or Coke -
So Don’t Emulate
What They Do
Contributed by: Bruce Friedman, Adult B2B Marketing Of Hyperbole, Fluff And Unbelievable Platitudes With Black-Hole Nothing
he Key To Their Success isn’t necessarily based on how good they are
T(Inside Reality), but rather on massive advertising repetition. General You’ll hear words like: best service, biggest, most professional, highest
Motors, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola advertise for the sole purpose of quality, most reliable, speedy, convenient and lowest prices. And you’ll hear
building distribution and BRAND awareness. They do Image Advertising. phrases such as: “We’re number one”...well, Whoop Dee Do. Number one
Their ads attempt to marriage a lifestyle feeling to their product so you’ll in whose eyes? These mindless words and phases do absolutely nothing to
get that same feeling when you buy. communicate why you’re the best deal. Why you’re an exceptional value.
Why or how you solve the problems that nobody else solves.
For example, in 1997, Pepsi spent $1.24 billion in advertising, while
Proctor & Gamble spent $2.743 billion. McDonald’s spent $1.041 billion But most businesses go on year after year yawning these verbal platitudes
and General Motors spent a whopping $3.087 billion! That’s why Chevy that do nothing more than get their name out there, if that. Why would
could hum the tune “like a rock, like a rock, like a rock” and it worked. anyone want to waste marketing dollars that hardly says anything to
If you spend over a BILLION dollars, you’ll get stellar results too! Here’s anyone? It’s because the majority of us have been obediently trained (from
a stat that might surprise you: Do you know how many billboards Coca the wrong sources) on how to advertise.
Cola had along American Roads way back in 1930? A thousand? 10,000?
100,000? Try 300,000! That same year they also had over 20,000 building In the past 50 years, providing for the needs of people has been split
walls painted with their logo, over 5 million soda glasses with their name into three groups. We now have three types of businesses that give people
printed on them, and over 400 million newspaper and magazine advertising what they want. Level ONE Business, surprisingly, is the biggest provider 1930! of services and products in this country - our government. Some of us
would adamantly argue that our government has taken over our education
See, it takes time and money to really build that kind of brand awareness system, transportation, safety & protection, our savings for retirement and
and it can work great for your advertising and distribution of food and clothing for over 15% of our population. Even many
marketing if you are fortunate enough of the medical and legal services are closely controlled/provided by our
to have a marketing budget of over government. Average business owners cannot compete in these markets,
$100 million a year. 99% which control as much as 40% of our gross national product.
Of Most Advertising
Is Nothing But A Level TWO Businesses
Huge Jumble are what we call the
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