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Fortune 500, which includes the top 1 to 5 50, or 100-year history of the company backing
thousand companies in the country. They’re them up, along with the multi-million dollar or
comprised of premier global majors with billion-dollar advertising budget, it’s more of
diverse growth portfolios such as General a challenge for these young graduates to make
Motors, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, money for the company. They don’t know how
etc. Some of the top Fortune 500 companies to attract prospects in such a way that they
have portfolios of high quality assets and take action. And that’s crucial in getting the
capabilities, and fnancial strength to generate prospect to crossover the “Confdence Gap.”
enhanced value for their shareholders. They need to realize you offer a superior value.
You need to make them come to this one
We’ve been indoctrinated by years of
conclusion, “I would have to be an absolute fool
advertising and social acceptance to buy from
not to do business with anyone else but you
these companies. Any product or service that
regardless of price.” You Need To Be Able To
can be standardized and distributed to 80% of
Craft Your Business, And Then Advertise Where
the population without changing the design
Prospects Can Take Action That Will Lead To A
or concept has been converted to a national
brand name over the last 50 years. They have
the fnancial resources to advertise all over the
That action could be anything - maybe it’s
place; a million dollars here, half a million there.
to call in and place an order or to request an
It takes a lot of money and time to build that
information kit. Maybe you want the prospect to
kind of brand equity. Level THREE Businesses send in a reply card, or call a toll-free hotline, include everybody else. Everything from start or visit your website. That’s different than Level
up businesses and mom and pop’s, all the way
2 advertising, where you’re trying to create a
cam summit, awards & campus up to companies that do hundreds of millions feeling/a lifestyle and attach it to your product.
of dollars in annual sales. Level 3 companies
You’ve got to manipulate your advertising so
cannot rely on broad based repetition-oriented
the prospect will take ACTION!
advertising that builds brand awareness. It’s
May 25-28 (31), 2016 not that The Bottom Line Is that you have to spend
your marketing dollars more intelligently
Level 3 businesses can’t or shouldn’t build
whether it’s hundreds, thousands, or even
brand awareness. And it’s not that they can’t
Lloret de Mar, Spain spend a lot of money on advertising. They just millions of dollars - more wisely than the Level
can’t do it nationally on Fox, ABC, NBC, and 2 businesses. The way you do that is by using
action-oriented advertising. There are many
CBS at $50,000 to $500,000 per 30-second
benefts of action-oriented advertising. The
spot. Level 3 businesses need to be more
The Most frugal with their marketing budget in order to main one is that you know almost instantly
create successful action-oriented advertising. how proftable or unproftable your ads are...
International Because of the integration of advertising into based on the number of inquiries, orders, hits,
or leads you receive, DIRECTLY from the ads.
our daily lives, we are constantly exposed to
Cam Summit! Level 2 advertising. And everyone assumes, You’ll hear a lot of people in the advertising
industry say you can’t quantify the results of
based on years of passive observation, that’s
how marketing and advertising is done. That your advertising like that and in some cases
they’re right. But that’s only because many
probably explains why so many people consider
businesses don’t understand the fundamentals
themselves advertising experts. People say,
Hey, I’ve been submersed in it my entire life, so of how to make their advertising make money.
The Party do advertising, you will be taught Level 2 oriented advertising in certain media. Again,
Some people will bark that you can’t do action-
I certainly must know something about it.
you can, if and only if, you know how to do it
If you go to college and learn how to
advertising. And that’s fne if you’re working
Is YOU!!! for a Level TWO business. But Here’s The that will affect your response. Again, you’re
There are a lot of factors and components
Problem: most of the students who graduate
not General Motors, McDonalds, or Coca-Cola,
with all these degrees in advertising and
marketing don’t know how to make money in
dollars more intelligently. For a free marketing
the real world. You stick them in a Fortune 500 so don’t emulate their advertising. Spend your
company’s marketing department, and they checkup, send me an e-mail to: bruce@
might do okay, but if they don’t have the 20,
54 PAYOUTMAGAZINE Sponsored by
Fortune 500, which includes the top 1 to 5 50, or 100-year history of the company backing
thousand companies in the country. They’re them up, along with the multi-million dollar or
comprised of premier global majors with billion-dollar advertising budget, it’s more of
diverse growth portfolios such as General a challenge for these young graduates to make
Motors, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, money for the company. They don’t know how
etc. Some of the top Fortune 500 companies to attract prospects in such a way that they
have portfolios of high quality assets and take action. And that’s crucial in getting the
capabilities, and fnancial strength to generate prospect to crossover the “Confdence Gap.”
enhanced value for their shareholders. They need to realize you offer a superior value.
You need to make them come to this one
We’ve been indoctrinated by years of
conclusion, “I would have to be an absolute fool
advertising and social acceptance to buy from
not to do business with anyone else but you
these companies. Any product or service that
regardless of price.” You Need To Be Able To
can be standardized and distributed to 80% of
Craft Your Business, And Then Advertise Where
the population without changing the design
Prospects Can Take Action That Will Lead To A
or concept has been converted to a national
brand name over the last 50 years. They have
the fnancial resources to advertise all over the
That action could be anything - maybe it’s
place; a million dollars here, half a million there.
to call in and place an order or to request an
It takes a lot of money and time to build that
information kit. Maybe you want the prospect to
kind of brand equity. Level THREE Businesses send in a reply card, or call a toll-free hotline, include everybody else. Everything from start or visit your website. That’s different than Level
up businesses and mom and pop’s, all the way
2 advertising, where you’re trying to create a
cam summit, awards & campus up to companies that do hundreds of millions feeling/a lifestyle and attach it to your product.
of dollars in annual sales. Level 3 companies
You’ve got to manipulate your advertising so
cannot rely on broad based repetition-oriented
the prospect will take ACTION!
advertising that builds brand awareness. It’s
May 25-28 (31), 2016 not that The Bottom Line Is that you have to spend
your marketing dollars more intelligently
Level 3 businesses can’t or shouldn’t build
whether it’s hundreds, thousands, or even
brand awareness. And it’s not that they can’t
Lloret de Mar, Spain spend a lot of money on advertising. They just millions of dollars - more wisely than the Level
can’t do it nationally on Fox, ABC, NBC, and 2 businesses. The way you do that is by using
action-oriented advertising. There are many
CBS at $50,000 to $500,000 per 30-second
benefts of action-oriented advertising. The
spot. Level 3 businesses need to be more
The Most frugal with their marketing budget in order to main one is that you know almost instantly
create successful action-oriented advertising. how proftable or unproftable your ads are...
International Because of the integration of advertising into based on the number of inquiries, orders, hits,
or leads you receive, DIRECTLY from the ads.
our daily lives, we are constantly exposed to
Cam Summit! Level 2 advertising. And everyone assumes, You’ll hear a lot of people in the advertising
industry say you can’t quantify the results of
based on years of passive observation, that’s
how marketing and advertising is done. That your advertising like that and in some cases
they’re right. But that’s only because many
probably explains why so many people consider
businesses don’t understand the fundamentals
themselves advertising experts. People say,
Hey, I’ve been submersed in it my entire life, so of how to make their advertising make money.
The Party do advertising, you will be taught Level 2 oriented advertising in certain media. Again,
Some people will bark that you can’t do action-
I certainly must know something about it.
you can, if and only if, you know how to do it
If you go to college and learn how to
advertising. And that’s fne if you’re working
Is YOU!!! for a Level TWO business. But Here’s The that will affect your response. Again, you’re
There are a lot of factors and components
Problem: most of the students who graduate
not General Motors, McDonalds, or Coca-Cola,
with all these degrees in advertising and
marketing don’t know how to make money in
dollars more intelligently. For a free marketing
the real world. You stick them in a Fortune 500 so don’t emulate their advertising. Spend your
company’s marketing department, and they checkup, send me an e-mail to: bruce@
might do okay, but if they don’t have the 20,
54 PAYOUTMAGAZINE Sponsored by