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and will show you how things work. You can a spammer, you will never be able to attract
even encourage your business associates and anyone to your site.
employees to install it and surf the site.
Tip 6: Signatures Matter
Tip 2: Place the Alexa Widget
Always make sure that you have your URL
Since the Alexa rank is determined by how
present in any type of electronic signature that
many toolbar users visit a site, one of the best
you use. This is especially important if you do
things that you can do to increase your rank
any type of email marketing or if you post on
is to add the Alexa widget on your site. This
forums, since people will see the URL on each
will give your visitors a chance to download
of your posts. If you are lucky enough, the
the Alexa toolbar, and each time they visit your
users might see the URL enough to the point
site, it will count as a visit toward your ranking.
where they are actually tempted to click on it.
Tip 3: Alexa redirect
Tip 7: Content About Alexa
While the main point is to get people with the
toolbar to visit your site, there is a way to have If you decide to go the content writing route,
some of the visits count even without having why not try writing about the benefts of an
the toolbar installed. By using Alexa redirect Alexa rank? Webmasters and businesses are
in front of your site’s URL, Alexa might count always on the lookout for ways to increase
clicks on the redirected links.
traffc to their sites, and they will probably
download the toolbar and come back to your
Tip 4: Quality Content site for more information. They might even link
to your content and have it sent out to people
It’s a tip that has been given over and over
that have the toolbar installed, which will bring
again, but for good reason. Writing quality
you even more visitors.
content that is useful to web savvy people is
a great way to attract more visitors to your
Tip 8: Traffc Exchange Program
page. So if you don’t have a blog, you might
want to consider putting one on your site.
The key is to try and attract an audience that Another aspect that you might want to
is knowledgeable enough to have the Alexa consider is joining for an Alexa traffc exchange
toolbar installed on their computers with your program, which helps bring large numbers of
content. Think carefully about the type of users together and also helps increase Alexa
keywords that attract these type of users, and rankings.
also what kind of articles will bring them.
Tip 9: Webmaster Tools
Tip 5: Share, Share, Share
One fnal thing that you can do is to create
Once you are done writing content, the next
a webmaster tools section on your site.
step is to share that content to the world via
Webmasters are always on the lookout for
social media. But do not just stop at Facebook
something new to use, and having a section
and Twitter. In fact, there are many other
like this will help bring them to your site in
platforms out there that attract a different kind
of audience, including the type that might have
the Alexa toolbar installed. That is why it is
While some may wonder if an Alexa rank is
important to look at sites such as StumbleUpon,
truly worth it, no one can deny that always
Reddit, and Digg, which allow people to share
helps to fnd different ways to attract more
interesting content that is found on the web
with other users. But be careful not to just users to your site. If building up your rank on
share your own content. People on these sites Alexa does the trick, then you really do not
tend to be very picky, and if you are seen as have anything to lose by trying.
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