Page 40 - index
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Vibrant Iconography and development anymore. This approach has gone
Custom Illustrations top notch with the introduction of a raft of
extensions, wide-spread platforms, and kits
The emergency of monitors with higher pixels
that crop up. Expect to see the secret signs of
has shown how standard image formats that
Material that show up in user interface design,
most designers use, don’t work well with the
not only on mobile devices but also on the Web.
modern Web. For several years now, designers
have been using image formats like .png and
.jpg. These formats, when they are used to CSS3 has fnally impacted
develop websites, don’t work well with the layouts
latest technology monitors.
How much of CSS3 a Web browser supports
An answer to this is the using of easily
has been a major concern of many Web
implemented icon fonts and browser support
developers. Many of them have been wondering
for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). This is
how CSS3 layout references can be safely used
what developers of this year are doing, and the
without compromising browsers. In the recent
reason we see sites with stylish, hand-drawn
past, there has been a breakthrough as far as
icon fonts, and custom illustrations that remain
vibrant at any screen resolution. Web Browser CSS Support is concerned.
This year, we have seen layouts not
Color and typography are substantially altered. Developers have found
getting bolder
that the codes that underpin layouts are more
reliable and simpler to work with.
Use of vibrant colors is one of the important
marketing tools for website owners. In fact,
color and typography tend to convey important Fewer pictures but more
messages to website readers. Every designer
of yesterday, today, and tomorrow know this.
However, designers have found themselves
We have come to the end of the era where a
constrained by what technology accepts and
good percentage of websites or blogs feature
what they can possibly do when it comes to
headers with photos that stretch across. This
usage of color, fonts, and typography layouts.
might seem like a contradiction of other
current trends that we have highlighted above,
In the past few years, we have seen a total
transformation as far as color, fonts, and but this is not the case. The use of photos and
typography are concerned. There has been illustrations both have the same function of
improved access to Web fonts, the reason bringing engagement between the user and the
we are seeing a change in type rendering. website.
Developers are refning fonts, muting colors,
and adopting good typographies. This is also This year, we have seen developers presenting
one of the reasons we are seeing bigger and imagery in the form of creative illustration
bolder brands with brash colors. There is over photos. When illustrations are used,
minimal usage of textures and subtle gradients.
websites want readers to place themselves in a
certain scene without experiencing pushovers.
New Material design is Imagine what would be your thoughts when a
dominating photo features shockingly dressed, but well-
manicured models. The majority of people
In 2015, we saw a bit of a revolution in
would interpret it differently compared to what
the way developers are adopting Google’s
they would have done with illustrations.
Material design as their basis of User Interface
presentation and development. This trend was
As the year advances, expect to see the past
on the rise because of the change of device that
and current illustrations replaced with more
people use to access the Internet. Today, many
appealing illustrations that connect to the
people use mobile devices to access the Web
viewer in a more personalized manner. Also,
over laptops or desktop computers.
expect to see website developers reverting to
This year the use of Material Design is websites with fxed-width layouts for the same
on the rise. It is not a new approach to Web purpose.
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