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browser to give a warning that it could become latency and improve performance. It can
unsupported in the future. be beneficial if you have multiple users
accessing your site from different locations
How do you find and fix JavaScript around the world.
3. Utilize Asynchronous or Deferred
If you’re seeing unexpected JavaScript JavaScript Loading: By loading scripts
errors or console warnings in your web asynchronously or deferring the load
development projects, it’s important to until after other page resources are
understand how they can affect your SEO. downloaded, you can ensure that page
content is rendered quickly. In contrast,
JavaScript errors can be caused by several
JavaScript slowly loads in the background.
things, including code syntax errors, browser
compatibility issues, and external resources 4. Implement Caching Techniques: Caching
not loading properly. Console warnings usually is a great way to speed up page loading
indicate potential issues that could break your times by saving commonly requested
code and cause unexpected results. files in a local storage area, so they don’t
need to be requested/downloaded each
To find and fix JavaScript issues, you’ll time they are required. It can significantly
need to use a debugging tool like the Chrome
reduce bandwidth consumption and make
DevTools. With the DevTools open, you can
websites more responsive.
inspect the source code of your page to look
for any potential problems. In most cases, you’ll
5. Use Libraries and Frameworks: This is a
be able to identify and fix the issue directly in
great way to reduce your code overhead.
the DevTools console.
Libraries like jQuery and frameworks like
React can dramatically reduce the amount
If you need to get more familiar with using
of JavaScript you need to write. Additionally,
the DevTools console, several online tutorials
can help you get started. Once you’ve fixed they often have their performance
optimization techniques built in.
your page’s JavaScript issue, test it thoroughly
before deploying your changes.
Javascript errors and console warnings
are something all web admins should keep
Best Practices for Improving Your an eye on. These can be caused by incorrect
Site’s Performance with JavaScript coding or plugins, so it’s important to test
your code before going live. While they don’t
JavaScript is a client-side scripting
language that allows you to add interactivity always directly impact SEO, they can lower
and feedback to your website. It is also one of user experience, which in turn hurts organic
the technologies that can impact your site’s rankings. Therefore, try to resolve javascript
performance. errors and console warnings as soon as
possible - To create a better website and
1. Minimize & Optimize your JavaScript ensure your SEO is not affected negatively.
Code: The more code you have, the longer
it takes for the browser to interpret it. To manage and fix javascript errors, it’s
The best way to optimize your code is important to have a system in place. Regularly
to minimize and compress it as much inspect your code, look for bugs or errors,
as possible. It means removing all and ensure you have the right tools to help
unnecessary whitespace, comments, and debug. Setting up an alert system is also
code that does not need to run. recommended, so you don’t miss any critical
errors. Finally, check your website analytics, as
2. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network): this can provide further insight into how visitors
A CDN is a server network that delivers interact with your page should you require
content from different locations to reduce additional assistance.