Page 17 - Pom-Volume-13-1
P. 17
Your brand’s voice should be a trusted voice the various channels you are using to reach
that the people who care about your business the public.
love. You don’t have to have a story for your
logo, but you do have to have one for your 6. Put Everything in a Brand Style
company. Your brand should be able to Guide
express itself in all possible forms and come
across as sincere, reliable, and credible. If your Your brand guidelines should be a set
customers want to understand what it means, of rules that you follow to have consistency
you must communicate this fact as clearly as across all marketing materials and programs.
possible and ensure they know your words Your brand guidelines are how your logo
quickly. People hear and experience your
and branding are used in all aspects of your
brand voice when they read your brand, hear business. You can use this style guide to
it being spoken, or see it on your marketing
ensure the quality of what is being created,
materials. You want to ensure that your voice
making people trust the message more
is consistent with your brand guidelines. If you
ask people to take a certain action, keep that than anything else. You want to be sure that
voice in mind. Your voice can be unique, funny, everything you are creating reflects what
serious, and any other type you can think of. your brand stands for and how it operates.
Including the voice and tone in your branding
Guidelines consistent logo and color palette. You want to but it can change depending on what you are
4. Include Your Logo and Brand’s
guidelines page is one of the most important
Color Palette
parts of it. Your brand will have a technique,
It’s only possible to market with a
trying to present to your customers. You want
to be able to change how you market yourself
include all possible variations of your brand
but still stick to the core values of your
logo on your brand guidelines page. With all
variations, you want to ensure that the colors
easy read; they shouldn’t be too arrogant or
match how you want them shown in the
too modest. They need to be simple with a
marketing materials. Your colors should be company. Your brand guidelines should be an
rooted in your brand story, but it doesn’t mean clear message.
they have to be used in every aspect of your
marketing materials. Be sure to show where 7. Specify the Visuals and Imagery
you want your colors to be used and if you that Reflect Your Brand Image
have a message behind them.
You need to have an idea of what your
5. Use Your Voice in Every Piece of brand looks like and include that in your
Marketing Materials branding guidelines. When you share a
message about your brand with people, you
Your brand’s voice should be used in all want that message to come across clearly
marketing materials and in all aspects of the
and firmly.
customer experience. You can expect that
your teams will use this voice in their work; it
Your branding should be used to form
will set some boundaries so they don’t create
the core of the company. The company must
something that won’t properly represent you
clearly know who they are and what they
and your brand. You can also use quotes or
do. You need to ensure that every piece of
write your own statements in your brand voice
when promoting something on social media. information about your business is consistent
You want to be consistent and ensure as many and shows people what they are getting
people hear your voice as possible. You want into when they buy from you. Your branding
to have more than one written statement or guidelines can be used to ensure that you
video about your brand; you should have many have relevant and consistent messaging
different ones. You can then share them on all across all media channels.