Page 14 - Pom-Volume-13-1
P. 14
Keywords on your site, the site architecture, the speed
of your server, and the amount of traffic you
It would be best to use keywords relevant
to your site’s topic. The more keywords you receive. Your site’s performance influences the
speed at which visitors see your site’s content.
use, the better. Keywords are important for Visitors will leave if they encounter slow pages,
increasing the click-through rate of your
website. You should add as many keywords as so you must optimize your site and make sure
possible to your site’s content. the pages load quickly for visitors.
The keywords in your site’s content should W3C Coding Standards
be the same format as those you use for your
meta tags. A keyword that is too long won’t be The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is
useful to a search engine, so you can break up an international community that develops open
keywords into multiple words if necessary. standards for the World Wide Web. Search
engines use W3C coding standards to judge
Webmasters should monitor their site’s the quality of web pages. Web developers use
performance using tools like Google Analytics. W3C coding standards to ensure that their
They should also use tools that help them track pages are easy for search engines to read and
and improve their site’s performance, such as understand. This will help improve your ranking
the free Webmaster Tools for Google Analytics. on Google and other search engines.
W3C also has a mobile usability guideline,
Domain Authority
which details how your website should be
Domain Authority is a metric that measures designed when viewed on a mobile device
how “authoritative” your site is. It measures how such as a smartphone or tablet. By following
well your site ranks in related search results this guideline, you can ensure that visitors can
on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This metric is easily access your content while they’re on the
important for SEO because it tells you whether go and get the information they need. This will
or not you have the authority to rank high on help improve your ranking in Google searches
Google for certain keywords. on mobile devices.
A website with a high Domain Authority
rating is believed to be a trustworthy source Low-Quality Images
of information. It also makes it easier for Images are a great way to boost your
visitors to find your website when they search website’s appearance and make it look
for certain keywords. Domain Authority is attractive. However, poor-quality images can
measured by a numeric score determined damage your site’s overall appearance. Images
by the number of links pointing back to your with low resolution will not help you rank in
website, so getting as many links as possible the search results and may even harm your
on your site is important.
You can do this by linking to other sites that
are valuable and relevant to your content. The While you don’t need a high-quality image
more links pointing back to your site, the higher for every page, adding high-quality images
Domain Authority you have. when appropriate will be beneficial. The higher
the quality of an image, the better Google will
like it and rank it in search results.
Site Speed
Site speed is measured using tools such When adding an image to your page, ensure
as Pingdom or Google’s PageSpeed Insights. that you have good lighting so visitors can
These tools provide insight into how fast your clearly see what is being depicted. Use a color
pages load on different devices and platforms scheme that is easy on the eyes, and make
(mobile and desktop). The more responsive a sure that there are no distracting elements
page is, the higher its ranking will be. such as text or other elements that could
distract from what’s being shown in the image.
There are several factors that influence An example of an attractive image would be a
site speed, including the amount of content sunset with beautiful clouds in the background.