Page 54 - volume-12-4
P. 54
di��erence betw een published
THE and last updated dates is one
o� these things that can be debated long and
loud, but in reality, it’s only an issue i you sell
som ething or plan to re-publish your w ork
regularly, like blogs. I you’re just a person
w ho posts on social m edia or w rites online
articles only occasionally, then it’s okay,
but som e people still need help w ith this
It’s essential to know about these dates
�or tw o reasons. First, i� you w ant to publish
content regularly on a blog or w ebsite, you
should update it and put the date on it w hen
people read your blog post. I you don’t do
this and they click on the published link,
they could m iss out on getting that content
because G oogle w ill treat it as ‘not appearing’
until the publication date is later than the last
updated date.
Di��rences Between Published Vs.
Last Updated Date
1. The date when the content is published
is an important consideration �or Google
It is another o� those typos I o�ten see,
Published v. Last but it’s one o those ‘don’t do it things. W hen
G oogle gets a w eb page �rom the w eb server,
it checks the m eta in�orm ation about the
Updat ed Dat e: page, and everything there w ill be updated.
I� you update your post w ith a new blog
post title or som ething like that, clicking on
‘publish’ w ill be show n as a published date.
W The published date that G oogle sees on
your blog post indicates w hen your blog post
w as added to W ordPress and, there�ore, w hat
B ET T ER ET T ER the latest version o� your article should be.
G oogle sorts blog posts by their last updated
date, probably w hy m ost people need to
F OR S EO?OR S EO? publish their seats instead o� correcting them .
I� you update your post w ith a later value
than w hen you originally published it, then
G oogle w ill only see the latest version o� your