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Consequently, they determine a site’s quality, case, regular updates consisting of all the
in part, by how many quality sites it is linked aforementioned components--linked content
to. The logic goes something like this: the with keywords, properly formatted meta data,
total number of incoming links helps a search and tags--will help toward high search engine
engine recognize that if other sites respect that results.
site and want to link to its information, it must,
therefore, be a quality site. The result is higher Step 3. SEO for conversion
search result rankings.
� Conversion keywords
Search engines accomplish this because
they have pre-defined criteria regarding how Converting traffic into buying customers
a quality site performs. The more links to sites is called conversion-rate optimization (CRO).
that meet this pre-defined criteria--the better a In the same manner that SEO targets search
site will do in search engine results. engines, CRO targets customers ready to make
a purchase. Although SEO and CRO seem to be
Conversely, the more links a site has to targeting two completely different entities, they,
known spam sites and low-quality sites, the in fact, can be considered the exact same thing-
poorer it will perform. In fact, if a site is linked to -provided the SEO content is crafted carefully.
bad sites, it, too, can be flagged as a spam site.
For website owners interested in ranking high in For instance, keyword planning tools can
search engine results, it is important to obtain show the exact monthly search volume for
links from other popular, high-quality sites. people searching for just about anything:
gardening tools, dog beds, root canals, or wigs,
� Frequent content for instance.
Search engines recognize content on a However, soft-sale keywords or conversion
website and how it is organized, and they also keywords, also known as long-tailed keywords,
recognize the types of websites that link to are those types of keywords that target
one another. However, they also recognize how extremely specific searches. These types of
relevant and current a website is. keywords are comprised of specific search
requests. For example: “white-cotton sneakers
Although some types of content can with metal braids” is a very specific product
be considered evergreen, which means it search, and the person searching for such a
is content that will be relevant long into the product knows exactly what he or she wants
future, 99-percent of all content will evolve. and is much more likely to buy once he or she
Additionally, products will change, and services finds that product.
will be adjusted to the ever-changing needs of
customers. Finally, because world and industry Similarly, long-tailed keywords can be
news as well as local business events are always comprised of an action “buy Bluetooth wireless
in flux, pertinent information relating to any speakers for smart phone” is an example
website will also be in flux. This type of fluidity of a conversion-rate keyword that indicates
results in one thing: the need to communicate someone wanting to buy a set of speakers.
new information to website visitors.
It is absolutely necessary to target search
Search engines assume this. They assume engines using more general keywords because
the world is changing, and they assume that more general keywords helps drive the bulk of
most websites want to keep their customers the shopping traffic, and a small percentage of
and readers apprised with the latest, best shoppers will purchase. However, these long-
information. Consequently, websites that do tailed keywords are more effective at attracting
not publish with any regularity will be classified buyers intent on an immediate purchase.
as dead sites, and they will not rank as well in
search results as those sites that are regularly
For any site to compete, daily updates are Simply put, anyone who does not include
ideal. For niche sites with few competitors, long-tailed keywords in a website is losing sales
weekly updates might suffice. In either to competitors.
PayOutMagazine 9