Page 12 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.6
P. 12
Explosive Ways to
Turbo Boost Your Sales
There are many creative ways that can be partner with popular athletes, actors, or content � Real Life Demonstration
utilized in order to turbo boost your website creators in order to have them advertise it for
sales. These options range from cheap targeted you. This is one of the most common ways to There are conventions for products in just
advertising to email lists that work with affiliated turbo boost your sales. Finding a YouTube about every industry. For example, E3 is a
marketers in order to spread the word about Content Creator, or Twitch Streamer that gaming convention in Los Angeles that takes
your website and products for sale. There are matches your criteria can be a great to start a place annually where independent developers
many more options to consider when looking to sponsorship partnership for your products. can bring their game and present it to a world
increase sales, and they will be explored in this of gamers. Usually developers offer a demo
marketing guide. Usually content creators have flat version of their game or product in exchange
sponsorship rates that they are willing to for publicity to customers that are targeted
Before we jump into the core contents of this accept in exchange for product placement or and potential buyers of their product. While
tutorial, it is important to remember that the goal a commercial during their videos or streams. If the video game is very different than most
is to connect customers with the products they you are interested in a more personal approach, industries, there are local conventions where
are looking for. A simple advertising campaign you could always reach out and see if they’d be you can demonstrate your products and
may bring hundreds or even thousands of willing to show off your products in some sort of probably receive a major boost in sales quickly
new visitors to your store, but if they are not different way. there-after.
‘targeted’, the effect of bringing them to the
store in the first place is useless. There has to This is extremely effective because the This may not be the best option for your
be a demand for the products that are being viewers are already familiar with the content needs, but it certainly remains viable. The
sold, and finding the correct audience for those creator, and by hearing the endorsement about biggest setback is that there are usually
products is more important than finding random your products from them, it makes it that much competitor products also right there, which can
people through advertising campaigns and more likely that they will come and try out your be a difficult hurdle to get past when having to
bringing them to the store instead. product. This is no different than an athlete convince customers that your product booth is
wearing a specific type of clothing to meet a more impressive than the one across the room.
Marketing Guide sponsorship requirement. The only different is
that you are having your products placed on � Combined Tactics
� Targeted Advertising a pre-built digital platform that has an existing
audience. Using a combination of creative methods is
One way to turbo boost your sales is to invest probably more effective than just selecting one
in targeted advertising services like Facebooks Affiliate marketers and email lists are also particular option. You can choose any one of the
Ads or Google Ad Sense. These services are similar to this type of advertising. The way that advertising tactics, or you could choose more
optimized for finding customers that match your this works is that you reach out to an affiliate than one. You could also use these tactics and
desired specifications and characteristics. For a marketer and offer them a small percentage of create some of your very own. Social media is
small price, you can immediately begin targeting commission in exchange for them to promote an extremely powerful tool, and spreading the
audiences in order to try and enhance your your products in an email. For every sale that word about products is just one of the everyday
sales. Advertising is a great way to boost your is generated from that email, they receive a tasks that companies look for on social media
sales in quick fashion, but you will have to be percentage of the final net sale price. This sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
willing to invest some cash in order to do it. is becoming more and more common, as While these platforms may not directly seem like
marketers look for new ways to boost their they are purposed for advertising, companies
� Email Lists and Affiliate Marketing product sales. can thrive when groups of people communicate
Partnerships about trending products or websites.
Another common way that websites and
distributors boost their product sales is to
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