Page 8 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 9.6
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for small
business owners
For any business owner, launching a website Step 1. SEO basics � Tags
is an absolute must. For traditional industries
such as real estate or education, people are � Keywords Tags, for instance, are a type of meta data
increasingly turning to online solutions to help that identify titles, headers, and sub headers.
them find what they need. Even for traditional Keywords are, perhaps, the most important The most important are titles, and these should
retail products such as clothing, shoes, or even aspect of any SEO endeavor. They represent consist of keywords describing the page’s
auto parts, online purchasing has grown to such the fundamental types of information on a web primary content. Title tags are called H1 tags.
an extent, traditional retailers are going out of page.
business while online retailers thrive. Almost as important as an H1 tag is the
Whatever the web page is about, the H2 tag. Some people consider it to be more
That said, thousands of online businesses keywords should match the types of words important because more H2 tags will exist on a
plateau or fail completely. In spite of the customers are searching for. For instance, a web page. Cumulatively, they have the potential
enormous traffic and profit potential inherent in web page might be about nurses. However, of drawing a wider range of traffic than H1 tags.
any online business, many business owners do if an abundance of people are searching for This is because too many H1 tags on a website
not know how to claim their share of the traffic. the phrase “registered nurses”, the content can result in a site being downgraded as spam.
Consequently, some websites thrive. Others on the web page should include the keyword
receive few if any visits. Actual purchases for “registered nurses” approximately two or three H2 tags are similar to the subheadings in
these low-performing sites are even lower. percent of the time. For a 100-word web page, this article. “SEO basics”, for instance, could be
the page should reference the phrase at least coded as an H2 tag. Doing so would cause the
One of the keys to a successful online two or three times. sub header to appear as follows:
business is the ability to design the website
in such a way that it attracts the attention of Keyword stuffing, however, is when a web SEO basics
a search engine. This practice of optimizing a page overuses a keyword phrase. Search
website for a search engine is called search- engines do not like it, and customers do not like For any human reader, the result is a slightly
engine optimization (SEO). After setting up a to read it. In order to meet keyword rates without larger font and bold lettering. However, to a
website on a web host, ensuring it meets various being accused of keyword stuffing, keywords search engine, the H2 tag tells it that the SEO
SEO guidelines can help establish a presence can be included in headers or in captions for basics content comprises an important part of
that catches the attention of search engines. pictures. They can also be included in the URL the website’s content.
Following that, once these SEO guidelines are for the web page.
met, a few additional SEO practices can help H3 tags are sub headers of H2 tags. They
fine-tune the website, so customers can begin � Meta data help divide the content into more discrete
finding it. Finally, it is important to remember that subjects. For SEO purposes, they are best
SEO is not simply for attracting traffic. Potential Meta data represents the information that nested within content identified by an H2 tag.
customers are window shoppers, tire kickers. exists on the parts of a website that the normal
Without a doubt, proper SEO practices attract user will never see. This type of information Step 2. fine-tuning
potential customers. However, it is equally true consists of descriptions and coding that help � Links to quality sites
that proper SEO practices can help convert search engines understand a site’s content and
those customers into actual buyers. a web page’s subject matter. Search engines cannot always discern
between quality sites and spam sites.
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